![]() Jewel of Denial skidded out of a Virginia trailer park back in 2002 and headed out west with nothing but her dreams. It was in Los Angeles the following summer that she entered the sparkling world of the Velvet Hammer Burlesque--LA's pioneering burlesque troupe, and remained a solo dancer until 2005. Jewel has graced stages in 4 countries, 6 states, and 17 cities; including Las Vegas, Hollywood, San Francisco, San Diego, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle, Washington D.C., London, and Amsterdam. Her signature style juxtaposes the basics of life: heartache, trash, social issues, poop, religion, work and death with glamour and sex appeal for a humorous, sometimes shocking outcome. This Jewel has years of movement training--from ballroom at Arthur Murray to jazz and dance fitness at L.A. Dance Arts Academy. She has also carefully researched retro dances such as apache, lindy hop, swing, and jive. Currently, Jewel of Denial holds the title of 2008 Miss Exotic World--Best Duo category (along with Kat Bardot). She is also co-founder of Striptease Symposium: where she consults, choreographs, teaches group classes, and offers private instruction. You can also see her in the new Velvet Hammer Burlesque book available in most arthouse bookstores. Catch her performing regularly all around L.A.!. http://www.myspace.com/jewel_of_denial http://www.itsachick.com/burlesqueclasses.html |
![]() Dizzy von Damn! is a science-experiment gone horribly awry- she's what happens when you mix the genes of the lovely Bettie Page with those of kitschy-eccentric Liberace... she's proof that science can be sexy. And weird. In April she won the title of Miss Viva Las Vegas 2008, has performed across the country, and will be appearing in the LA Burlesque Calendar for 2009. She dabbles in design and is a jill of all trades - She's the always girl. http://www.dizzyvondamn.co |
![]() Scarlett Letter is not your normal (fill in the blank).... She is not only the co-producer of this show, but is also the co-producer of the MONDAY NIGHT TEASE which takes place every Monday at 3 Clubs in Hollywood. She has performed at Exotic World in 2007 and 2008 and was winner of "Most Classic" at the 2007 Boston Burlesque Exposition. She has performed in more countries than you've been to. She's got "four feet of red hair and miles of bad intentions" and dances her life away every chance she gets. This includes currently: Burlesque at the 3 of Clubs, Rocky Horror with Wild and Untamed Things (WUT), and miscellaneous go-go and pole-go around the greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area. Not only is she producing this show, but she is PERFORMING in it as well! http://www.myspace.com/apriest |
![]() Bette Midler meets Cheryl Hines with a splash of Liza Minelli - for kicks. HIGH kicks. Miss Vanity Flair is an actress, a singer, a burlesque dancer, and all around pretty funny broad to have in the room. She loves performing and finding new ways to not take herself seriously. She's a huge musical theater GEEK and when she frequents West Hollywood - they gays gather to rejoice. And she rejoices with them, for she does love her gays. It's one big circle of love - for Madonna, feathers, glitter....and showtunes. Ain't life a ride? Beware the Flair! http://www.myspace.com/bewaretheflair |
![]() Delilah DeMilo seems to prefer to remain a mystery. What we know of her is that she loves working in a variety of costumes from Lucille Ball to Jessica Rabbit to a Pirate to who knows what else. She has also recently produced her first show called Variety Extravaganza! and performs every Friday at Bordello for their weekly show. She has also performed for Shimmy & Shake, The Monday Night Tease, and The Dolls Of Fox. If you have any truck driving friends, you may want to bring them because they probably wouldn't want to miss her act on this night. http://www.myspace.com/delilahdemilo |
![]() Kimberlee Rose is known as "The Muppet of Burlesque." Her acts are as animated as any puppet show (more so, actually) and filled with energy, even when she slows down. A student of Kitten De Ville, she embraces the silly and fun side of burlesque performing and her routines are sure to leave a smile on your face by the time she leaves the stage. She has performed for Shimmy & Shake, Burlesque-A-Go-Go, Shadow Circus, Buckingham Burlesque, Tiki Invasion, and more. She's even opened for The English Beat and Cherry Poppin' Daddies. She's also produced her own show; Slumber Party Slaughter. Jim Henson would be proud...and then would have trouble walking up to the chalkboard. http://www.myspace.com/thekimberleerose |
![]() Fever Blister is a former club-kid & Go Go Gal turned "ENTERTAINER EXTRAORDINAIRE". An Unconventional conventionalist, don't call her a PIN-UP please. She is too heavy to hang on the wall... She isn't a model, she considers herself a personality! She believes in ambitious exploitation of her female assets... Her specialty is her own take on BURLESQUE ENTER*TEASE*MENT. Not only is she a burlesque performer, she's a producer of shows for the ANIMAL charity she founded - PAWS FOR A CAUSE in L.A. & also the producer of The BANG! BANG! Burlesque Show She's a clothing & costume designer, sock rocker, jack-off of all trades, sex symbol, scavanger of used goods, former queen of the Cleveland scene now rocking out in Bob Barker's guest house in Burbank, California. A Voluptuous Blood Sucker, Volcanic Orgasmic Song Bird, Head stomper, Pastie twirler, Consumer of fine sparkling water, Candy advocate/enthusiast/addict and Tattoooed to the 9th power. The only fever you'd want to catch, she is Fever Blister. http://www.myspace.com/feverbeaver |
![]() Her name's Dahlia DeLust, but her friends call me Voodoo Dahlia. She's been teasin' and peelin' since 2006 with the OC Underground Burlesque Society and is always shakin' her way to a burlesque stage near you! She is known for her Voodoo Doll act and her Raven act which she performs in seven and a half inch ballet heels, but she'll be bringing you an act dedicated to the working women of America. No, not THAT kind of working woman, but the kind that toils almost thanklessly using good ol' American know-how to get the job done! http://www.myspace.com/dahliadelust |
![]() Olivia D'Helion is the freshest performer at our show, but brings with her a lot of fun and spunkiness! From her Myspace profile: "WHY HELLO DARLING, MY NAME IS OLIVIA D'HELION AND I'M READY TO SHIMMY AND SHAKE MY WAY ALL OVER LOS ANGELES. I MAY ACT SHY, BUT I SURE KNOW HOW TO RAISE HELL!" She also loves to leave the caps-lock on as it would seem. She first caught our eye at The Monday Night Tease but we have a feeling she'll be performing all over town just as she announced sooner than she thinks! http://www.myspace.com/oliviadhelion |
![]() Are you ready for the remix? DJ Douggpound likes to remix things, like jokes and salads. Drizzle some glaze on that. You may have seen DJ Douggpound on the Adult Swim television shows Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job and Tom Goes To the Mayor or on the web shows Tim & Eric Nite Live or even on his own show called The Poundcast: In The Mix on superdeluxe.com. Maybe you heard his mixes on the new album "Tim & Eric Awesome Record Great Songs." Maybe you've never heard of him. But have you seen him live? By day he's an editor, but at night he's bringing you the jokes...and then remixing them live on stage. http://www.myspace.com/douggpound |
![]() Chris Beyond has been a part of the L.A. independent music scene since the early nineties and has really had his hands full since then. He is the creator of No-Fi "Magazine" in 1996 and No-Fi "Radio" in 2002, both of which are still in production today. He has appeared on the television shows SEXBYTES on HBO and on DEADLINE on HDnet. He's been an in-studio guest on the radio show LOVELINE and was interviewed on Playstation.com, and has been published in Ben Is Dead and Harper's magazines. He has produced several concerts around the Los Angeles area as well as been a member of the bands EAR BEYOND and POPULAR GIRL. He is also a designer whose works have appeared in albums, magazines, newspapers, flyers, and DVDs (including the burlesque film Broad Daylight directed by JMM). He is a prominent burlesque and pin-up photographer in the burlesque scene and a staffmember of the Burlesque Hall Of Fame/Exotic World. He has hosted shows for Shimmy & Shake, Dolls Of Fox, Monday Night Tease, & more, and is co-host of The Burlesque Podcast with Lili VonSchtupp. In addition to co-producing this show, he'll be bringing you some ol' timey burlesque skits with some of our lovely performers. http://www.myspace.com/beyondphotography |
![]() The Whirling Dervish is made up of three hard working young men living in various parts of Los Angeles, Ca. The trio has been playing music individually for the better part of their lives, but it wasn't until playing, writing, drinking, and spreading their benevolence together as The Whirling Dervish that they found the equality and integrity needed at a group's core to properly grow as artists. They are constantly evolving and challenging themselves artistically. To date they still have trouble putting their sound into words. When a band strives to forge a sound that is truly unique; that breaks away from the doldrums of stagnant, formulated commercial radio rock, it is often difficult to describe that sound with a few words. Perhaps Xian Jones has provided the best description yet: "Indie rock smoothed out on the noise pop tip with a post-punk appeal to it." As with all art, each listener's impression is subjective. The kaleidoscope of influences that permeate The Whirling Dervish's music elicits a vast array of comparisons; often times the listener concludes they just sound like The Whirling Dervish. http://thewhirlingdervish.net/ http://cdbaby.com/cd/whirlingdervish |
![]() Polly Peabody has graced the stages of the following establishments: The Slipper Room, The Blue Angel, Limelight, Rififi, Veruka, Galapagos, SHOW, The Spider Club, The Key Club, The Derby, Tangier, Passive Arts Studios, MBar, El Cid, Fais Do Do, Bordello and many more that she's forgotten to mention. She has worked with The Boomshell Girls (NYC), The Va Va Voom Room (San Francisco and NYC), The Red Rooster Review (Key West), and with the great Shelly Bomb on events in Vegas, NY, Madison, Wisconsin and beyond. She and partner Crystal Swarovski competed in the Miss Exotic World competition 2006. Their production company, Lopsided Productions has been bringing infantile entertainment to LA for a good four years now -- on and off, you know, whatever... She was a contributor and co-writer on Miss Swarovski's opus, Kubrilesque. Before that, she was co-artistic director at SHOW Nightclub with NY club impresario, Norman Gosney. She co-directed The Pink Rhino Review, The Pirate Show, Dark Carnival and The Hitchcock Show, as well as co-opening for Pink, Britney Spears, and Dita Von Teese. Fancy right? Nowadays, her main focus within the wacky world of neuvo-retro-homo-fatso-metro-lesbo-burlesque is to sharpen her razor-like wit on the whetstone of David Hasselhoff, abortion jokes, and the vast comic trench of Adolf Hitler, securing a place for herself as the proverbial "hostess with the mostest," a cognomen she has bestowed shamelessly on herself (at least she admits it, girls). Her alter ego, Adria Lang, is a screenwriter and novelist living in Echo Park with her cat Bobo. http://www.pollypeabody.com |
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