an introduction...

This is the first issue of No-Fi "Magazine" and already I have so much support from everyone! With each issue, I plan to take you all in several directions as this magazine changes with each month. This month's theme is sort of a mystery, but I wanted to keep the first issue light in order to serve as a small example for the big things to come. Each month we will have a new theme to explore and eventually destroy. This is to keep you interested.

I want to always keep this "magazine" free so if anyone wishes to advertise in NO-FI "MAGAZINE", you can reach me at the e-mail address listed below. Each issue will grow with advertising and it won't be long before we are as colorful and overpriced as all the others! (Just kidding! Jeeeeez!)

Chris Beyond, La Editore


(2005 Update: Hey that was pretty much on the mark of what we're still doing today! And we ARE in color too! Good job Chris Beyond of the past!)

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Everyone who contributed, Fred at URBAN LEGEND RECORDS, Frank Murphy at KROQ, Naomi at KXLU, Mark at The Impala, All the advertisers, The El-ca-co kids, you you you!