So far the only complaints I've heard about the last issue were from my girlfriend and her best friend, but if anyone else hated the last issue, I apologize. I wasn't so happy about it myself and, as Holly said, may have appealed to the "lowest common denominator" with all the naked pictures of clown guys and gals. I liked the issue, but I wasn't that happy with it. Too many pictures of naked clowns and the interviews were kinda' "blah." Hope this issue makes up for it. So I'm not going Kevin Smith and apologizing for what I did, but I'm sorry if you were especially offended or whatever. No big deal.
~ Chris Beyond,
The Last Man On Earth Ever
ZABECH: Back in the 6th grade I drew a whole lot. In fact, I've loved drawing all my life. I especially loved to draw Star Wars, G.I. Joe, and my own super-heroes and villains that I made up myself.
Recently, Jim McCray and I decided to update some of these weird characters and show `em off here in NO-FI.
The version on the left is the original I did back in the 6th grade and on the right is the new version Jim penciled and I inked. I think I based this one on an action figure whose bubble space helmet I broke. In the story for this guy I explained that a meteor hit his helmet and it made him crazy! (Just like real live meteors do!)
Special Thanks to: Holly-Tron, Quin Bernhagen, Anthony Pavich, Ron Huett, Celso & Rob, Rob Hondrick, Lisa at Something Weird Video, Darren at Dead Alive Productions, All the advertisers, Angelo Moore, Tsvi, Luis E., Jeff & Liz & Brett & John & Stacy at Architectural Digest, Colleen & Jerome at MacTemps, Ernie Mejia (even though you-know-what), Golden Apple Comics and L.A. Weekly, all the Tijuanna "evening ladies" who tried to grab my crotch (luckily my pants were too baggy) and kept saying "fuky-suky.", Kenner Toys, People who write and send stuff and me for typing this thing.