chris beyond of ear beyond reviews:
adam and the ants "in bondage: 1978-1979" cd
hey! this is a bootleg cd, isn't it? no wonder there's no address attached...well here's a review for ya' if you can find "this kind of cd" in one of those stores that carries "this type of cd." the first nine tracks are early unreleased demos that you won't even find on his peel sessions or b-side babies cds. good clean recordings that remind me of the peel sessions as i imagine they were recorded around the same time. what's really neat are the live recordings in tracks 10 through 25. they have a vinyl quality to them but you can still hear everything really well (even the few times that the band misses a beat or flub a guitar riff). There are some songs on here that i've never heard before like "plastic surgery", "puerto rico", "fat fun", and "lou (new york coke joke)." also there are some punked up versions of "red scab" and "juanito the bandito". in fact the whole live show is pretty punked up than what i'm used to from adam, but you have to remember that he was playing shows at the height of the punk movement in britain. this is really expensive in stores (like over $20.00 so only get this if you're a true fan or are in a "brewster's millions" situation and need to spend 35 million bucks in under a week. ever see "brewster's millions"...with richard pryor? pretty funny.)
red sun records; available in certain stores (no address given)
crooner "windexed ep" cd
hey! this band played night one at the no-fi pre-halloween show! whatdaya know. anyway, they sent me this nice little cd and it's pretty good. there's moogy goodness in the first track pop-core. 8th show and windexed are other wonders worth listening to on this wacky little cd. this is a band that i can imagine lil' girls gossiping about at school. it's cool that they put a four track tune on this ("alien abduction and the obscurities of dating") as it's nice to hold on to that kind of stuff. this is a good band to see live too, so check'm out if you hear about one of their shows.
gyst records; p.o. box 93981, los angeles, ca 90093
etsetera "adlib" cass
this band contacted me after one of their friends picked up a copy of no-fi and brought it back with them to puerto rico. they sent me two tapes and here's the first of two. (i'll review the second tape next issue) this is very very true to the "word" no-fi. the first few songs sound like they were recorded on a one track. it's definitely weird puerto rican punk rock. moaning, screaming, high trebled instruments make this a good listen while riding your favorite roller coaster. i wish i could tell you which songs were which, but this tape doesn't have a track listing. oh, and the cover of the cassette is actually a patch you can stitch to your jacket for you punk rockers out there. this isn't for everyone, but if you want to try something new and strange, send `em a letter and ask `em how to get a copy!
etsetera c/o samuel torres; calle 25 2-1 #1,
ciudad universitaria, trujillo alto, pr 00976
ferdinand "ferdinand" 7" vinyl
what a neat band! the song "butterscotch" makes me want to dance in my pajamas at some teenage pajama party. anyway, what-do-you-know this band also played at this years no-fi "magazine" pre-halloween show (night one at spaceland too). this is the same label that put out such faves as possum dixon and the negro problem, so you know it's gonna be good. there's three great songs on this album and each one will make you dance the night away with your cat (or pet of your choice)! get this for your long lost cousin to bring you back together.
pronto records; 1204 w. 27th st., los angeles, ca., 90007-2330
drips "drips" cass
i hawf a bad cowld while i'm reviewing thith, so down'd be awarmed. lo-fi do-it-yersewf punk rock. why ithn''t there an addreth? this is a good cathette and wwhy shudd i bodder witing a review for a cathette that you probobby won'd be able to finb andyway? thith album wath wecauwdded live at the themetery in hoddywood. perthonally, i feel left out ath i don'd know if that'th a cwub or if they ack...ack...ack...achooo! er... acktually played on towp of our anthetherth in thome neat tombstones and bones setting. andyway, thith ith preddy goog. hi-lide thongs are "bloodstains", "teenage temper", "scout your location", and "age zero". mabbey if you ever heaw about a show where they're playding, you can thee `um. otherwise, goodgk luck in fimding this cathette. (sniff, cough, moan)
drips; no address given
the smiths "sweet and tender hooligan" cd single
how can this be bad? huh? i'll wait till you answer... still waiting! ho humm hmmm hmmmm. well, since you are obviously the mute, i'll review this sucker. first off, we all know the title track song. we all have the version of this same title track you have "i keep mine hidden", "work is a four letter word", and their cover of a james tune; "what's the world"?? well, i didn't know they released this late last year until a few months ago and i finally got my own copy. i've been looking for the "just say yes" comp that had "work is a four letter word" forever and it was definitely worth it. i guess it's a cover, but i'm not familiar with the original. "i keep mine hidden" is an original morrissey/marr tune and hi-lites morrissey's incredible whistling ability. this album is great. it's definitely something to cuddle up to at night. (you may end up getting that moz haircut again!)
reprise records; 3300 warner blvd., burbank, ca 91515-4694
For any other information, E-Mail Chris Beyond at the link below.