That last issue sure outwore it's welcome (for me at least,...everyone else has been very nice). Anyway, this issue was supposed to happen exactly a year ago when no-fi was starting to get pretty scarce for awhile. How lucky we were to have that whole planes crashing into buildings thing on that date that I am going to try to not say as much as the rest of the "media." Without that, we wouldn't have had all the great ultra-patriotism going around showing itself by way of plastic flags flying from car windows and flag stickers in every-which-way position finding themselves for the first time on vehicles other than mobile homes or trucks in the South. (To all our southern readers, we love ya, but you got some crazy people down there!)
Oddly, I found myself on a plane to England with Hollytron on September 15th (where she broke her elbow ONE HOUR after we arrived diverting a couple days of our tour to the UK's hospital system which was actually really good!). The first person we talked to about the "incident" was a Pakistani cab driver who had a strange obsession with the conspiracy behind Princess Diana's death. He was worried about the people gathering under the flag in the U.S., and in a way he was right because in both the U.S. and the U.K. there were all sorts of "revenge" assaults of people who looked Middle Eastern. People do weird things under a flag. I think the flag is pretty and all, it's nice to like your country, and it's really nice when evil people don't get it in their minds to blow other people up. What a bunch of weirdos the people of the world are to let people like this get in power. For some odd reason George W. doesn't inspire me to fight for the rights for big companies like Enron to steal people blind left and right and then shift the blame to their accounting company (who was working for them in the first can read all about it in Michael Moore's excellent book "Stupid White Men"). It was so embarrassing to hear Tony Blair make this nice speech about the events and how he would like to help and then "W"goes up to make a speech to the effect of "Me no like Osama badible. Me make him go bye bye then go sleepy. Big corperlolations rule! Let's go make Soilent Green!" Well...maybe I'm picking on him just a little.
So we have a bunch of stuff coming out to you in this issue. If all goes well, we have interviews with TOYS THAT KILL (featuring members of the late great F.Y.P) and ARNOLD, an up-and-coming band from the UK who'll be stopping by for a visit. We'll also start a new feature where we visit neat places around our towns as well as all the usual reviews and mad rantings that'll make you want to gussy up and go out on the town!