Photos For 3/30/00 by Chris Beyond!
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Left to right...David, Phil, Kim, Jessie
Here are just a few pictures taken at one of our house parties. No big whoop. just a few pictures of people you don't know but would wish you did if you met them. Fine people indeed.
Photos For 3/22/00 by Chris Beyond!
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Left to right...DJ Buck, DJ Quin, DJ Nipples, DJ Amanda, DJ Jim.
Last week houseguests Jim McCray & Amanda and I visted KECC Radio in Torrance where NO-FI writer Quin is co-dejay for one of the morning shows to promote the upcoming NO-FI "MAGAZINE" Comp. #1 (on our Spiffy Records label) and it was a splendid adventure with funky people and plenty of nudity all around. I forgot the name of the girl with the rings, but that's just as well, right?
Photos For 3/15/00 by Quin!
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These pictures are of a girl Quin used to know who claimed to be a "cousin" of NO DOUBT's Gwen Stefani. She MUST be, because her makeup and clothes are very much like Gwen's own makeup and clothes (circa a couple years ago when these photos were taken). Quin sez the last he heard of her was that she may have been begging for change in front of a grocery store and had a black eye and that's pretty sad cuz I think she has team spirit.
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