Dripping Gooey Squishy Goredom!
October tends to be my favorite month of the year...first off it's the month of my birthday, it's Holly's birthday month, and of course HALLOWEEN! Now that No-Fi is back, it also means we got to do a scary cover again and this month's cover was painted by artist Lisa Petrucci of Seattle who also works for Something Weird Video (one of our favorite video/dvd companies out there). We'll be doing a feature on her work in next month's issue of No-Fi "Magazine" so watch out!
So we were lucky enought to catch BALLBOY at the beginning of their U.S. tour a few weeks ago and you can see that interview on the 3rd week of October which took place in their hotel room while their hotel room-neighbors sprayed mace at each other. (Well, one of them sprayed mace at the other...yes, this was true. Welcome to America, Ballboy!)
So it looks like we're probably going to war even if nobody really wants to except our exceptionally bright president. In his defense, I have to say that Saddam probably is building weapons to destroy everyone since he has nothing to lose as he'll be forced out of office one way or another, but I also have to say that our own president was most likely born of a jackel himself so perhaps they should just go head to head Beyond Thunderdome style..."Two men man leaves! Bust a deal, face the wheel! Who runs Bartertown?" Er...uh,...but I digress....
Ok, well enjoy all of our silly lil articles and inteviews this month. Remember, if you are in a band and you want to get something of yours reviewed in the magazine, or you want to have your demo or CD played on No-Fi "Radio"...just send it all our way at our mailbox addresses in the music review area. So anyway...cross over children! All are welcome! All are welcome! Step into the light! There is peace and serenity in the light! Welcome to "The DEADLY Issue!"
Yr. No-Fi "Pal",
Chris Beyond
(Chris Beyond is the editor of No-Fi "Magazine" and wants to know if you caught
all the movie line references in the above introduction.)

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