Things Will Often Fall Down!
Sometimes things change at the last second. People go to the movies, but forget to bring their wallet. The year 2001 comes and goes, but we still haven't found that damn monolith on the moon. The game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City comes out, and you lose all sense of time and space. Our friend Jenny gets drunk and forgets if she wore a bra and decides to check by pulling up her shirt in the middle of the street. And of course, sometimes you book a band and they don't show.
In this case, this issue was going to be a totally different issue, but the bands we ended up getting weren't appropriate to the theme. Then we were suppossed to have Artichoke in this issue, but due to a death in one of their families we have to reschedule them for January or February. So we bumped up a band that we were going to interview for one of those issue and that band is The Imperial Way. In addition to them we have an interview with Lisa from Sing Sing (a new band from London featuring Emma from Lush).
With this issue, we're reached 40 episodes of No-Fi "Radio" and we should hit 50 in January. Crazy! I hope you are all out there passing the word that we've been back since February. Oooo! I have an announcement...On December 19th we will have a No-Fi "Radio" benefit show at The Silverake Lounge in Silverlake, CA featuring a bunch of our favorite bands (watch for an announcement on the main page telling you who very soon). With the latest ruling passed on internet radio, we are going to have to pay 500 bucks in order to run the station legally (I won't get into the aanoying specifics as to why we have to pay this and who the money goes to...let's just say that we don't play many bands that fall under the RIAA, but we are still forced to pay this minimum amount so that people like Britney Spears and Ryan Adams can pay their hairdressers. Ugh!) Anyway, we're a free magazine and I hope people will come to the show and support us. We'll also have special one-time-only CDs for sale cheap so hopefully you'll be able to pick up those as well while you're there. Anyway, this is issue #32: The Broken Issue and I am going to write something else now.
Yr. No-Fi "Pal",
Chris Beyond
(Chris Beyond is the editor of No-Fi "Magazine" and is home sick today.)

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