the NO-FI "MAGAZINE" essay

"Post Porn Modernist"
Annie Sprinkle started off life as Ellen F. Steinberg on July 23, 1954 in Philadelphia. She grew up in a liberal jewish family with two brothers and a sister. Everyone in her family became hippies and traveled frequently. At seventeen she lost her virginity to a bearded guy named Van. She became hooked on sex and in six months racked up a total of 52 different guys. She was in love with sex and a year later became a prostitute, which she did for eight years without getting a disease or being arrested. She was also discovered by Gerard Damiano, who was the director of Deep Throat. She did her first porn flick, called Teenage Masseuse, and soon became one of the biggest stars in 1970s porn, doing films with most of the top stars from that period. She even wrote and directed her own documentary porn flick called DEEP INSIDE ANNIE SPRINKLE which became the #2 selling porn video of 1982. It is unavailable today because she peed on somebody. She made a total of 150 films in all and was very popular in the New York clubs such as the infamous Hellfire Club where anything and everything would happen. She put out her own magazines and became an accomplished photographer; taking several pictures of herself and her friends. Her photos have been published in "straight" magazines such as SPIN and NATIONAL
LAMPOON. She also became a performance artist and even performed with Twin Peaks star Michael (The Little man From Another Place) Anderson in which he read from the bible as she masturbated in front of a crucified vulva art piece. She has spoken at schools and travels around the world with her one woman show called "Post Porn Modernist" (She put out a book of the same name from which I got most of this information). Annie experiments in every corner of the art world and has several sites dedicated to her on the World Wide Web. She also taught herself the "art" of piercing and tattooing. She has had a "Sex Goddess Workshop", which is kinda' like Head-Shots, in which she takes an ordinary "plain Jane" kind of woman and makes her look like a porn star in photos. Another show she does is called "A Public Cervix Announcement" where she invites members of the audience to come up close and look into her most private area with the aide of a flashlight. She's still out there and has obviously made a great success of her life. To learn more about Annie Sprinkle, read about her in her book or in RE/SEARCH: ANGRY WOMEN. She stands out well in a sea of boring porn stars.
~ essay by Chris Beyond
photos © 2003 Annie Sprinkle
2003 UPDATE: Annie is still performing in One Woman shows all over the world. Her latest that I know of was called "HERSTORY OF PORN" about her life in the adult industry. A couple years after this story ran, her houseboat was destroyed in a fire and she lost her cat and much of her photography and films (many of which are very rare). You can buy her books and/or find out what she is up to these days at her new website I found a gallery at her old site and there's even a yahoo group dedicated to her. Check it all out!

Chris Beyond
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