Photos For 4/20/00 by Chris Beyond!
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I can't post any pictures for a couple weeks since I'll be in Japan so here is my favorite picture of...ME! It was taken by my ex, Syndee, in Colorado and it's so odd you gotta love it. Well you don't gotta do anything I guess. So if I die in a plane crash, I'll see you on the other side (of what?!?) or I'll just see you when I get back. Either way, you're cool. E-mail me at and I'll try to answer you from Tokyo! Bye bye! Ok? OK!
Photos For 4/18/00 by Chris Beyond!
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Left to right...Jessie Lang, Jason Kamimura, Jessie & Phil Aja, Kim, and Joe
Here are some pics from Me and Holly's obviously exciting birthday party last October. Believe it or was actually fun. Nobody fell asleep until the end...excpet for Brandon Huff who can fall asleep anywhere, but I digress...
Photos For 4/16/00 by Chris Beyond!
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Here are some live show pictures I took last year. The first three are of Azalia Snail doing a solo show at The P.C.H. club in Long Beach. The second three are of a semi-secret show by The Rentals at The Opium Den in Hollywood. Both were good shows even though Azalia only played for 5 people or so, but she opened for the band Jackass so that counts as a great show. Right? Right.
Photos For 4/14/00 by Mondo Terry!
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Here is a good pic of Jimmy ( Not Jim McCray, but a new Mondo store employee) with Donita (Star of The Brides Of Countess Recula) at the C.E.S. Convention in Las Vegas. I didnt get around to posting this on The Mondo Site , although I intend to some day. Rock on!
Photos For 4/13/00 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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Left to right...Brandon Huff and Andy, David 1X, Quin with Ernie and Jason,
girlfriend Holly, Jenny Lang, Lindy Nichol, and Phil Aja
Not a lot of time to go through old pictures this week, but I found these on a disk today. I "fixed" these old pictures with photoshop, last Christmas, to make them feature my friends faces and used them as tags for X-Mas presents. Needless to say; I got a lot of funny looks. My favorite is the one with Phil cuz the expression is perfect.
Photos For 4/5/00 by Quin!
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Here are some photos of the band Fervent Hub that Quin took last year at the Troubadour (I think...judging by the wall behind them). They also played the 2nd Annual No-Fi Pre-Halloween show way way back in the day at the Waters Club (in Pedro). As you can see they are still playing and that can only be a good thing. The last picture is of Quin's friend Cheryl who looks like a cutie-pie when she's sleepy.
P.S. Quin just told me that most of my info was wrong. The photos were taken at Fais Do Do in Los Angeles and were taken a COUPLE years ago so there I go again.
Photos For 4/3/00 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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Left to right...Erica Ford, Michelle Stanley, Audrey Bernal,
Syndee Montgomery, Gina Terlau, Rose Tong, and Alisha Stone
Here are some of my favorite exes that ended up on the "Ex-Issue" (#23). They took pity on me enough to go out with me so I don't have anything bad to say about them so don't ask. Erica was a really weird redhead, Michelle was Jim McCray's ex-girlfriend too and was NOT a bitch, Audrey could pick me up, Syndee (forgive me) lived in Colorado whch was too tough on us, Gina lived in Colorado too and wasn't really an ex-girlfriend, but she was an ex-something I guess so I wrote a song about her, Rose was my second to last girlfriend and was really cool, Alisha (that's her and I at Grad-Nite) was so perfect that I didn't want to tarnish her which may have contributed to our break up. Anyway; all nice people.
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