Photos For 5/23/00 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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Just some simple, but nice, pictures of some of the transportaion we used in Japan. Bet you couldn't wait, huh! Anyway, we walked a lot, spent 30 bucks a pop on cabs and rode many a train everyday. Sorry I haven't posted more pics this week, but I have too many excuses to tell so I won't.
Photos For 5/18/00 by Chris Beyond!
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Here's a bunch more pictures from our Japan trip two weeks ago. The descriptions are on the pictures themselves. Just a bunch of the random sights we saw while trying to walk around without making fools of ourselves. Yes that is David Prowse in one of the pictures. You've most likely never seen his face cuz it was behind that Darth Vader mask all the time. He was in a surly mood and was arguing with the people that ran the store that he was signing pictures at. He didn't like it when I took his picture too. Phil has met him before and said that he's always like that.
Photos For 5/17/00 by Mondo Terry!
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These are pictures from Mondo Video's annual Easter Bash on Vermont in Los Feliz and as you can tell, anything goes at that place. Chuckles the Clown was the feature in a "how many peeps can you stuff in the peepbox" contest. Also included are a sneak peak at a few of the stars of their next feature entitled "Camp Erotica" whose title describes the movie they are shooting this month in name and in style. It'll be a 70s style summer camp movie and will be shot for cable and video. You can learn more info on that film at their website at I can't post uncensored pictures at this site cuz I don't want kids to see them so if you're over 18 e-mail me with your age and birthday and THEN I'll send `em to you, you perverts!
Photos For 5/15/00 by Chris Beyond!
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Here's three batches of pictures from our Japan trip (of course) and I'm not pictured in these (of course) so here we go. The first two are from The Wild Things Cafe in a mall in Tokyo with a "Where The Wild Things Are" theme. There is also a Yellow Submarine themed place in the same mall, but we couldn't find it. The next two are from the Iron Chef Chen Kenichi's (from The Iron Chef TV show) restaurant and it was very expensive but really good. The last two are from a couple Kentucky Fried Chickens in Tokyo. There are even KFC toys all over the place in Tokyo. Weird...well until next time (a few days from now...)
Photos For 5/11/00 by Chris Beyond!
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Left to right...Funky Monkey, Holly Hiller, Brandon Huff, and Phil Aja

Hope you like Japan cuz all the pictures for the next few weeks will be from our recent trip there. We're starting it off here with our pictures from Tokyo Disneyland that we took the 3rd day we were there. We took the train there and the station opened right up to the entrance of Disneyland. There were schoolgirls and boys (in full uniform...why?!?) and Orange Kogals (I'll tell you about them later) everywhere. Main Street U.S.A. was totally under this huge glass plated enclosure. Star Tours was almost entirely different (`cept for the ride itself). The Castle had this cool adventure tour attraction underneath of it and everything was in Japanese which was funny at times like in the Country Bear Jamboree. We didn't get to go on everything cuz our feet were already killing us from all the walking we had to do in Tokyo but maybe someday years from now....
Photos For 5/08/00 by Chris Beyond!
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Left to right...Brandon Finch, Amy (with Tattoo) & Jessie Lang (Blonde), Jenny Lang
Well I'm back from Japan and I don't have the pictures from the last two weeks developed yet so here are three from a "dance party" at The Lang House in Pasadena last year.
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