I guess I'll start it off. When I was a little kid, I had a weird dream involving a spooky character talking to me from a dark door in an old parking garage type place. I woke up still seeing that figure in my own closet door. A second later, my closet door slammed shut!
- a true story by Chris Beyond of EAR BEYOND and POPULAR GIRL
Most people think that ghosts aren't capable of achieving an orgasm, but I've seen it first hand...actually I've tasted it. In first grade I met a ghost and he nutted on my face!
- A Freaky Deaky sighting by Jimmy Cabaza De Voca of FELCH and DIOS
One night some friends of mine and myself were in Green Hills Cemetery (In Rolling Hills) roaming around. We took a rest and sat on a bench next to the mausoleum. Right next to the bench there were empty vases to hold flowers with sitting under an outdoor sink. The vases started crawling around! There was no wind, no critters...nothing! So we sat down and they crawled around again. We went back a week later and sat at the same spot. This time the vases EXPLODED out of their shelf and we ran like chicken shits! When we finally stopped we noticed that one vase had followed my friend Che about 20 yards! Spooky!
- Another True Tale by Ernie Mejia of F.U.B.A.R. and POPULAR GIRL
It was one of those nights when weasels crawl up your butt from out of nowhere. The moon was full and there wasnÕt a star in the sky. Then from deep within the depths of hell, a hideous necro-demon popped out of a grave and spewed his gruesome goo all over my face. But to the necro-demonsÕ surprise, I was not the least bit scared; on the contrary, I was quite aroused by his dripping flesh.
- a Scaowy Stowy by Jason Kamimura of CARNIVAL OF SUFFERING and BOB
In England my brother and I used to visit the cemeteries and one night we saw a weird old lady digging a hole with her hands in one of the graves. The next moment we looked again and she and the small hole she dug had disapeared! We ran away and went home.
- International Horror from Tom Bannister of ThE NeGaTiVeS
Late summer of 1986. Big Bear Lake during the middle of the day. Gazing at my surroundings through a pair of binoculars, I panned over to the sun. Total light. Total pain. Total darkness. The ska fairy appeared from a cloud of smoke, stole my aggressions, and threw down two bucks for a pack of smokes.
- A Bullshit Story by Jeff Hall Of THE WEST COAST IMPOSSIBLES
Halloween 1993. My friend jason and I cruised to Santa Monica Blvd for the first time. I felt out of place because I'm really straight, (In case you were wondering) but I ended up buying a dress from one of the street vendors anyway. I really got a kick out of seeing guys dressing up as cheerleaders and overdoing their repressed rah-rahs. The scariest thing was getting turned on by the people looking hot and dressed up tightly in PVC and dog leashes. Of course I was looking at them from behind. They all turned out to be guys
- Sexually Kookiness from Rod Taylor of LUST ULTRAVIOLET
A guy used to live in my house before me. He died right before my family moved in. In the attic we found a wheelchair and a fake leg (Which we sold at a yard sale!). Every halloween the man's ghost returns to the attic looking for his lost (stolen?) possessions.
- Multilated Spooky tales by The Mighty Quin of QUIN95 (Subject to Change)

Chris Beyond