

My friend Rachael was on one of AOL's many chat forums when she began to "talk" to one of the many people who use this service every day. Anyway, this girl she was talking to asked for her address and, Rachael, thinking "what harm could it be" gave it to her. A few days later, this is the letter she received. The pictures below came with the letter.
Well needless to say, she did not send her soiled panties to this person (or to any of her no-fi pals either). Beware to everyone out there. I advise not giving your address to anyone online, but that's me. Anyway, I think these pictures are possibly suspect. She says her name is Stephanie, but when you look at the name on her cheerleaderšs outfit, it says "Debbie." These may possibly have been taken by some guy of some nude model and he sends them out to girls that he thinks are gay and uses them to get smelly undies! You never know. Anyway, at least we got our first naked pictures, right? Thanks for sharing your weird mail with us, Rachael! Anyone else get any weird mail?
So I wrote this back when the internet was still pretty new to all of us. I don't think No-Fi even had it's online website on Geocities at the time. I trust the internet a little more and a little less these days than I did then. Sadly most of us people get naked pictures via e-mail everyday now via unwanted spam-mail. People on the internet ARE freaks!
- Chris Beyond

Chris Beyond