photos and text by Chris Beyond ©1997 no-fi "magazine"
WARNING! - If you are under 18, you should not be on this page.
This page contains mature content involving clowns involved in sexual situations or pretending to have sex that should only be viewed by our readers over 18 or with a parent or guardian.
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The Kacophony Klownsex Klub was actually a prank by L.A.'s Cacophony Society led by The infamous Reverend Al on HBO's "Sex Bytes" program. I helped the event by getting a clown-core band (The band formerly known as BOB) for the event and documented the event "behind the scenes" via camera and video for this issue. It started off fun, but at the end a few people went beyond the initial joke and just started actually "doing it" all over the place. At that point it was time to go and go we did. We may put the behind-the-scenes video in our No-Fi "DVD" if we ever get to it. I never got to see the actual program when it aired as we didn't have HBO at the time, but I finally gt a copy from Chuckles The Clown a few years ago and I was suprsed at how much of my own Clown Wrastlin' made it into the final product. Anyway I still have even more pictures so I'll update this again later. (latest update: 3/13/07)

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