"Where's the nightlight?"
Woooo! Issue #22!!! Woo..oo..uuu..mmmm. So sweepy! Mmmm.
What's on T.V.? Gaum-mm-mahm. V L A cd makes sleep go better. Wait! I gotta wake up! There's an issue to crank out! Anyway, I've been really sick lately. I had a cold and then on July 4 at the This Ain't No Picnic show it turned into a delirious fever and I was stuck in bed for a week. Then I had to go to the dentist and got put on vicadin which made me really carsick! But, hey, I'm better and I gots my typing fingers on so here we go. As always write us and check out the BRAND NEW website (much more updated and it looks nicer too!) Sweet dreams and goodnight!
~ Chris BeyonnnnzzzZZZZZZzzzz...
(Chris Beyond is the editor of No-Fi "Magazine" and tends to fall asleep on the couch.)

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