BEAT HAPPENING "Crashing Through" CD Box Set reviewed by Quin Six CD's plus a short CD of live recordings as well as clips of live shows that you can see on your computer, that is what we have here. It is truley amazing...all of it. This box set from K Records spans the career of Calvin Johnson and his band. If you haven't heard Beat Happening then, why not?? They are strange and beautiful with their simple little songs that will having you rocking out for a very long time. There is a lot of stuff here so get it and start now, if you want to be done by your 80th birthday. K Records, P.O. Box 7154, Olympia, WA 98507
BOXING "Way Down East" CD reviewed by Quin The first song on this CD is really long and very slow and very very pretty, then the second is faster and shorter and really poppy. I really love this entire album and it's diversity. Every song recalls a different band or sound. There seems to be a pretty consistant David Bowie influence all throughout, vocally at least, from his many different phases. I guess you could also compare this band to Coldplay, but who cares about comparisons, right. It totally stands on it's own. "Way Down East" is wierd quite frequently, throwing in strange samples of kids on the street and applause and heavy machinery, as well as organ and harmonica. It's fun to listen to and it will make you tap your foot and sing along and it will give you goose bumps and bring a tear to your eye. Boxing, THE BOXING LESSON "The Boxing Lesson" CD reviewed by Chris Beyond I'm confused. Two bands with the word "boxing" in their names? Well, they certainly sound different enough from one-another so I guess people won't be that confused if they saw them in concert. Anyway, this band is all about "dreamy" (to cop a word Mary Bond would use) guitars and serious "let's get into your mind" lyrics. The first two songs flow together, but the 2nd song cuts off just as it seems like the vocals are starting to reach into heavy metal territory (whew!). The third track "Every Bite Tastes The Same" is the standout of the CD and finds itself somewhere in between Sonic Youth and Univac. The weird thing is that it also cuts clean off just when it seems it's coming in for a landing. Weird. It's not really my thing, but I think a lot of people would like it. This is good music to sit in your room and stare at that light coming from under your door watching the shadows as people pass by. BoxingLessonMusic, THE EXPLODERS "New Variations" CD reviewed by Quin These songs are really dumb, but a lot of fun. The music is somewhere between Fu Manchu and The Cramps. If that's not enough for you then I'm sorry. It's not my fault that you have no sense of adventure. "Candy Floss"?!? and how great is "Flame Thrower Love"? Oh, another thing, you have to buy the CD to see the wierd Chewbaca Rambo pic inside the CD. Teenage USA Recordings, P.O. Box 91 689 Queen St.
West Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6J 1E6
FULL WHITE DRAG "The Independence" CD reviewed by Mary Bond Right off this CD sounded awfully familiar to me. Sorta hard, grunge- deep crunchy male vocals. It's one of those bands you hear and you think, "Wait! They sound just like someone else! Who is it? Who is it! Who???" And it drives you nuts trying to figure it out. Yeah, they're like mid 1990žs MTVish type! Oh! I know! Bush! The singer sounds like that Gavin guy from that band Bush. Remember them? They had that song "Everything Zen...everything Zen...I don't think so". Whew, what a relief! Now, as for Full White Drag. Hmmm...yeah...well, they definitely have talent. They just sound pretty KROQ to me. So, if you consider that a good thing- then job well done boys. The songs were a little monotonous for me, but I guess any genre that you donžt normally listen to can sound that way. It did have some good guitar arrangements and strong drumming. And the singer does that grunge rock sounding vocal thing very well. Oh- and I really liked the sort of spacey, interesting opening sounds on the beginnings of songs #6 "The White Heat" and #8 "Frequent Flyer". I'd like to hear more of that! If you miss MTV's 120 Minutes bands of the mid to semi late 1990's- you should like this. Full White Drag, GIMBO "Gimbo" CD reviewed by Mary Bond This band is truly a breath of fresh air. I have had them in my CD player for weeks now. To compare them to another band is an injustice, but there are definite flavors of They Might Be Giants and XTC. But they add a delicious new modern flavor that is very eclectic and very interesting to listen to. I had the great pleasure of seeing them live in San Francisco in January and was surprised by what a huge following they had- despite the fact that the headliner was a very well known musician and by the time he played- the crowd had diminished to a small 10 people or so. They definitely held their own and rightfully so. Gimbo is comprised of four guys- Rick (singer/songwriter/guitar player) and Ben (singer/somgwriter/keyboardist/ect.) are the main stays, with rotating bass and additional guitar. The songs are very catchy and somewhat alternative poppy- but in a very good way. Ben brings out some very interesting instruments- including the accordion and the Melodica (looks like a little kids toy that resembles a teeny hand held keyboard that one blows air into via a small tube). I was surprised to hear that they have been around for 3 years, as they are easily a special hidden gem just waiting to be discovered. Songs that really stood out to me were "Down For Sure" and "Electronica Show" and "Marigolds" and "Johnny Believes The World Is On Fire". They have some very admirable harmony qualities and a truly wonderful sense of humor - just note the song called "God On A Stick" and you will get a brief glimpse into their demented sense of irony. If you live in San Francisco- you absolutely must check them out- they are sure not to disappoint. And girls (and boys) they are awfully cute! Hey- like that doesn't help!!! Gimbo, NEXUS "8 KM" CD reviewed by Quin The cover of this CD is so cheesy that it might scare you away, but the music is actually quite good. Nexus is a three piece band from Italy. I like some of the titles of their songs alot too, like "Drunk Limousine Driver" or "Chinasky", (which of course is Charles Bukowski's alter ego in his novels) and of course "El Nino" (which is something we in Southern California know all too well.) There seems to be a strong Radiohead influence in this music and the singer has an interesting voice. Get this CD for your next European vacation. E-Mail TONE "Ambient Metals" CD reviewed by Quin The word "ambient" unsettles my stomach but, this is some very good instrumental music. It is both noisy and melodic, but not heavy. It is a surprising release from the label that brought us Minor Threat and Fugazi and I guess any other band with Ian MacKaye. I really like the guitar in this stuff. It kind of conjures up thoughts of Sonic Youth. I can imagine that this band is great live. I hope to see them someday, and hear more of thier music in the future. Dischord Records, 3819 Beecher St. NW, Washington D.C. 20007-1802
20 YEARS OF DISCHORD CD Box Set reviewed by Quin How funny that two of my favorite CD's of 2002 were actually box sets. (Hey, that's cheating!) Well, this is one of them. This set spans the first 20 years of the Dischord label from Washington DC. It starts with The Teen Idles and Minor Threat and goes all the way to the year 2000 with The Q and Not U. The first two CDs in the set are just some picks of good stuff from their popular bands from over the years including Youth Brigade, Faith, Rites of Spring, Embrace, The Untouchables, and even Slant 6 and The Make-Up. Wow. That's a lot of good stuff. Then the third CD is all rare and unreleased songs, some of which are live. and there are some mpg movies for you to watch on your computer of punk rock shows that probably happened before you were born. This CD box set is usually very reasonably priced, so there is no excuse for you not having it. Dischord Records, 3819 Beecher St. NW, Washington D.C. 20007-1802 WALKER AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE GRAPE "Almost Homeless" CD reviewed by Quin I was contacted by the lead singer of this band very oddly. He emailed me and made no mention of No-Fi, but said that it was cool that I was into Bukowski and that he used to know Bukowski. How the hell did this guy know I read Bukowski? I don't think I have mentioned that anywhere on the site. He also said that he wanted to send me his CD...that's it. I wrote him back, a little confused and directed him to the address of where to send the CD. I received it in like 5 days. Okay, you see the cover. It's kinda strange. I opened it up and the pics of the band members look like a cross between guys who like to go to the rennaisance fair and guys who were in a death metal band in the early 90's. The music is nothing like that. I will be honest...this music is definately not for No-Fi, but it's not bad, it's just nothing I haven't heard before on a classic rock station. They can best be compared to some of the Black Crowes more softer music. If you like this kind of music then I couldn't recommend it more. This guy has a great voice and the musicianship is really good. It's just not what I want to listen to. Now where did I put that Minor Threat CD? XO "xo~terrestrial" CD reviewed by Chris Beyond It's about time that I finally hear XO (featuring Alin formerly of The Sarcastic Bitch) and it was worth the wait. Sure it's a guy on guitar and vocals and a girl on drums, but they are more likely to smack you in the face rather than wear matching red and white outfits. The CD starts off great with "Katbath" with its climbing guitar riff. "Curses" is a peek back into the early nineties punk scene and in this case it's more than welcome. This is a good CD to blast out loud while you stare at your ex's apartment window from your car on the street. I like the nice nod to David Lynch with the track "Garmonbozia {Pain & Sorrow}" (You "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me" fans know what I'm talking about). The whole CD ends nicely with the loud and screamy "Bedwomb". My only critique is that I wish that there were a few more rough edges here and there, but it's a good listen the way it is. I can't wait to see them live, cuz you KNOW it's gonna be good! Sex & Death Music, 1058 E. Washington #5, Pasadena, CA 91104 reviews from Dec 2002 - Jan 2003 BLUE STATES "Man Mountain" CD reviewed by Nia White "Man Mountain" is a majestic trip into the melodious world of "Blue States." I found it fitting that the group's name conjured up mental images of a road trip across the United States. While listening to the CD, blue skies, snow capped mountains and endless roads whizzing by a car window came to mind. The production quality of Blue States' release is excellent. The sound is clear and the sheer mass of arrangements is voluminous. Andy Dragazis' writing/producing coupled with Tahita Bulmer's vocals/lyrics make for a haunting yet lovely effect.
The songs "Metro Sound," "What We've Won" and "The Winfield Audition" are quite melancholy and slow tempo, yet intriguing. "Only Today" "Bare Bones" and "Season Song" (which features a childrenžs choir) have a very retro seventies vibe. While "Colouration," and "Doublespeak" serve as driving, tribal, futuristic pieces. "Studio 20" is a jazz based tune laced with horns, piano and a mellow drum beat. If it were necessary to describe "Man Mountain" in one word it would be "ambient." The eclectic mix of aural harmonies, musical genres and beautiful vocals combine to form a well composed CD with a song for every mood.
ESL Music, BRAN FLAKES "Bounces!" CD reviewed by Chris Beyond The latest Bran Flakes album reminds me of that Cornelius track "Magoo Opening" from his album "Fantasma" where old and rare records are use to make a sample crazy song with a beat that you can't deny. This is a great album with a ton of tracks that you won't want to miss if you are into songs that are pieced together from all sorts of different sources to make something all new and fun. "Fun" is a good word for this album because it is fun to listen to and it feels like they had lots of fun making it. Standout tracks are "Good Times A Goo Goo" - a riff on "Moving Right Along" from The Muppet Movie, "Kayla" - sampling an unknown outsider band called "Girls With Attitude", "Mr. Snuggles" - a remix of a bizzare song about what I hope is a stuffed animal, and the short but sweet "Panties". There are 31 tracks on this album so you might want to make snacks for when you get hungry. The album drags a little in the middle, but picks right up after a few slower tracks. Bring this one with you next time you go camping and dance around with your friends around the fire (just don't forget to put it out before you go to sleep). Happi Tyme Records, PO Box 21104, Seattle, WA 98111, USA DAVID CROSS "Shut Up, You Fucking Baby" CD reviewed by Chris Beyond This is it...coming in right under the new Ballboy album (just released in Europe, not the U.S. See THAT review next week.) is this new double CD comedy album by comedian David Cross ("Mr. Show", "Run Ronnie Run") as my pick for album of the year. SO, what a comedy album beats a music album for album of the year? If you heard this album, you'd shout to the heavens, "Hell Yeah!!!!!" From start to finish, this album is excellent. From religion, to politics, to 9/11, to religion, to hollywood, to morning DJs, to other comedians, and back to religion, every word on this album is great. Cut from two recent live shows, this album highlights David at his best with all new material. He just says the things that I wish more people would about things like flag waving ("Flags! Yay! Flags!"), how "sexy" the Catholic church has been getting, our attorney General John Ashcroft (who lost the election in his homestate to a corpse), and so much more. If you loved Mr. Show, you will definitely love this and it's a better listen than whatever morning DJs you probably listen to in the morning (and we have so many stale DJs in L.A.) on the way to work. Get this for any of your flag waving, bible lovin' pals. Sub Pop, 2514 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121
DESOLATION RADIO "Desolation Radio" CD reviewed by Chris Beyond Looming, dark, and scary, this is perfect music for hanging out in the dark warmth of your closet. Their name perfctly fits the music that they play as does the eerie photography on the cover. When I say dark, I don't mean gothic, nor do I mean dark in that new-wave Centimeters kind of's more like "emo" slowed down to 15 rpm. This album makes me scared to visit San Bernardino (where they recorded this album). No longer will I slide down the water slides and worry that the water will force my shorts up my butt. Nor will I think of the cute red headed girl who I met at Raging Waters back in high school who I was lucky enough to witness half of her swimsuit disapear while on the tube-ride and getting to make out with her most of the day. Nope, now I think of San Bernardino as a scary David Lynch sort of place that whispers secrets from its trees into the dusk winds. Thanks a lot Desolation Radio! I like this album a lot and I almost forgot about it until found it under a pile of CD's in the bathroom (don't ask). Get this for an AM ride through the woods. Desolation Radio, P.O. Box 4008, Arrowbear Lake, CA 92382 DIRTY LITTLE SECRET "4 Song EP" CD Demo reviewed by Quin This band apparently has alot of buzz around them right now, and rightly so. This is a really rockin' little collection of tunes by this band. I really like the production values on the first track in particular. There are some cool sounds thrown into the mix. The song also has that thing thrown in where you think the song is over, then it starts up again. This may sound crazy, but this music even recalls some of Prince's "Purple Rain." Maybe I am crazy and I'm the only one who hears that but whatever...check it out for yourself. it a mathematical equation...Prince and the Revolution x The Makers x The Strokes= Dirty Little Secret. Good stuff if you ask me. Dirty Little Secret, Dirty Little Secret Dot Bizzzz... ELECTRIC GIRLS "Electric Girls" CD Demo reviewed by Chris Beyond This is one of those demos where you can tell the live version of the band probably wasn't captured as well on the recording as it could have. The music is nice, but pretty polished for a demo (which is actually saying a lot for the recording itself, pick a side and discuss). The first track "Come On, Kiss The Devil" is close your eyes and sway to the music kind of music. Just don't close them too hard or you'll feel like you are watching fireworks while floating through outer space and then lose your balance. The 2nd track "Humanity Factory" is like Violent Femmes meets Paige and the third track, "Shark Sandwich" (Hello Spinal Tap!) is perfect music for drifting aimlessly through the ocean clutching a floating piece of wood. (They must have thought so too. Why else would they call it "Shark Sandwich"?) Is that a keyboard in the background of this one? I wish it were louder if it's really there. Get this one for a midnight boatride and just stare at the stars until the end of the CD. Electric Girls, THE LUNAR PROJECT "Test Pilot 101" CD reviewed by Quin I love Jazz and I like alot of electronic music. In both genres, I especially love the crazy stuff. Like Ornette Coleman or Aphex Twin or even The Residents. This CD conjures up remnants of all that. I enjoyed listening to this CD quite alot. I must warn you, however, this music is not for everyone. Now I don't smoke pot, well...uh...ever. But I suppose this would be the thing to listen to if you had access to that sort of stuff. Some may find the repetitive beats and samples challenging to get through. But those who listen carefully with a watchful ear (what???) will pick up on all of the subtleties that make this CD such a treat. The Lunar Project, PANTY LIONS "So Dang Rad" CD reviewed by Quin This CD really is so dang rad...thank god they titled it that. That Modesto sound that we all know and love is all over this thing. As some of you know, Grandaddy is my favorite band and this stuff could have easily been written and/or produced by Grandaddy. However, it totally stands on it's own. It's much more lo-fi and I don't think I heard a single synthesizer. And all of the songs are really slow and sad sounding (which I really love actually) so do not buy this if you are suicidal. But, if you do have a zest for life and dang good music buy this for yourself. Your ears desreve a nice christmas present this year. The Ship, PO Box 65095 Los Angeles, CA 90065 VOYAGER ONE "Demos" CD reviewed by Mary Bond Imagine taking the charms of Dntel, the intensity of The Jesus and Mary Chain, Ride's innovation, the dreamy surrealism of old Verve (I am talking "A Storm In Heaven" of course) and swirling in some magic beans and you will find Voyager One. Yes, it does exist- it is here- well, Seattle actually. The guitars are celestial layers that send you spinning on a cloud of psychedelic whirlpools- grabbing a hold of and manipulating your brain waves and subconscious ala that of the classic My Bloody Valentine work on "Loveless". This is some really brilliant, progressive stuff and I like them so much I even added them onto my favorite "new discoveries" 2002 list (to be posted in No-fi soon). They played a bunch of shows here in Los Angeles recently at some of the best clubs (The Derby, Silverlake Lounge), and one of my long time favorite San Francisco venue's (CafČ Du Nord). They apparently put on a light show up to par with that of Spiritualized (so I am told- I sadly missed them live, but I am told they shall return to Los Angeles soon) The semi-Goth sounding cover of "Bedbugs and Ballyhoo" especially impressed me. And I also loved the Jesus and Mary Chain reminiscent sound of "Orange Sun". Voyager One, MARTHA WENTWORTH "Terror Tales By The Old Sea Hag" CD reviewed by Chris Beyond This is the kind of album I would have listened to a lot as a little kid had I owned it. This CD released by on CDR is a collection of scaaaAAaaary stories all told by a wicked old Sea Hag (played by Martha Wentworth of the Disney film "The Sword And The Stone"). The stories are scary in a kid's sense, but pretty funny to anyone else. Pretty cool too hot the Sea Hag describes how the "Mice From Outer Space" eat the farmer and his mule until all that is left is bones and how her bird pecks out someone's eyes. Of COURSE I'm gonna like this!!! If you're a fan of rare old spooky records, this one is right up your creepy dark alley! I'm not sure if it is available any more from this website, but you might find something else you like. Jack Diamond Music, 405 El Camino Real PMB 603, Menlo Park, CA 94025-3254 YOUNG PEOPLE "Young People" CD reviewed by Quin Great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great. That's all I really need to say, but I should probably tell you why. This is my favorite CD of 2002. It's just so damn original and so simple and not at all made extra spiffy with all kinds of effects and production and whatnot. Just brilliantly crafted short sweet little songs with the most beautiful vocals since Carl Wilson. I love this CD more than some of my family members. Well, maybe not that much...but I love it like a brother or a sister. 5RC, PO Box 1190, Olympia, WA, 98507-1190
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