"Back On The Track, Jack"
Ok, we're back on schedule after last month's mini-issue and THIS issue is going to be a doozy! First off for our interviews we have an interview with The Leeches from the UK who stopped by while on tour. Also we have an interview with Jon Keeyes who is a producer/director of independent horror films who is looking to distribute independent horror films from up-and-coming filmmakers (Maybe like YOU)!
Keeping up with the "Jetsetting" side of the issue, we have articles on some of our recent travels around the world. (I'm sure it sounds more exciting than it really is, but I'm sure it'll be funny at least).
Rich Polysorbate 60 (who you may often see in our No-Fi "Forums" area) wrote an article on the Harbor View House in San Pedro and may have even uncovered a terrorist plot in the most unlikely of places. I swear to gawd, we'll have a Staff area starting this month so you can see just who is writing what.
And for our shut-ins out there, we are going to E3 (The Electronic Entertainment Expo) to check out all the latest videogames that for the most part are unreleased and in various development stages. We're spending the WHOLE day there so you KNOW it's gonna be good. We're also having a hotel party at Fangoria's Weekend Of Horrors Convention. Will the hotel kick us out? Well, it hasn't happened yet, so we'll have to wait and see. If you'd like to join us at the party (on the night of May 24th in Burbank), e-mail us (below) and let us know!
This has nothing to do with anything, but, damn, those Sugar Possoms are cute!
So I'm going to stop writing while I'm ahead. All I can say is that last month was good and bad. An ex-girlfriend e-mailed me and threatened to sue us because I wrote in an older issue that I kissed her. The silly thing is that we were like 11 or 12 at the time, in the 7th grade, only went out for a month or so, and I haven't seen this girl since the 9th grade. I think she thought we were raking in the cash here and was hoping to get a little for herself. Sad thing is that I only wrote nice things about her and she claimed that it was damaging for a woman to have somebody on the web write nice things about her (my only guess is that she isn't so nice anymore and people looking up her name would be disappointed in what she may have become). Anyway, she asked for the removal of the story and cover, but all I'm obligated to do by law is remove her last name and bar the eyes of her picture, so I did. You can check out the article in question here. What do you think? E-mail me and let me know. We're not in the business of being mean to people. We're only about building up people (unless those people are total sell-outs). People like YOU and YOUR bands, artwork, movies, and all that fun stuff you do that we love to review. This magazine truely a labor of love for all of us and we don't have time to rip on every little thing that ticks us off. Otherwise I'd spend all this time writing about what a terrible Big Brother-esque time we're living in with people trying to start a campaign to get Michael Moore's "Oscar" back and DJs all over the country being suspended for playing The Dixie Chicks just because The Dixie Chicks stated in public that they were against the war. I don't like The Dixie Chicks because I hate their music and it probably shouldn't be on the air anyway, BUT I will fight for them and ANYONE who finds themselves being oppessed by censorship. This just isn't any kind of censorship...this is Soviet era style censorship. What they are saying is that you had better think the way they want you to think or you will be removed one way or another. Last time I checked it wasn't illegal to have an opinion about the war or anything. Very scary times we live in here in the US. Next thing you know, we'll find out that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney somehow aided the people we are now fighting in the middle east in the first place. Errr....
By the way featured on the cover is director/producer Eric S. Eichelberger and Jocelyn Robertson who were kind enough to take part in a last minute photoshoot. Eric is also a new member of the No-Fi "family" and he and I have some cool things coming up in the near feature.
Yr. No-Fi "Pal",
Chris Beyond
(Chris Beyond is the editor of No-Fi "Magazine" and thinks that the Scooby Doo movie was retarded.)

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