"Move It, Shake It, Twist It, Buster!"
This issue has been filled with intense thrills. So much has gone into just getting the interviews done and doing all that No-Fi "Radio" stuff we do that we didn't get as many reviews done that we wanted to. Don't worry, we're cracking down and we'll have a TON of music reviews next issue...and it ain't all pretty either.
Anyway this intro was written late so you may already know that we have interviews with Duane Dennison of the band TOMAHAWK and with writer Clint Catalyst. What is especially cool is that Ernie Mejia, who has been a no-fi "staff" member since the very first issue has finally returned with his TOMAHAWK interview. He's one of my best friends, a good writer, and I hope he writes even more from this point on.
What else is in this issue? Check it out yrself! WHat do I have to tell you everything? Well I should make an official announcement that Ryan Lies, who writes most of our Movie "Reviews", has been promoted to full staff writer. I haven't even told him yet. WHat am I gonna say? "Hey, none of us get paid, but HEY you've been promoted!" Well in the short time he's been here, his reviews have been more than excellent (I might even say "Rad") and I myself always look forward to what he'll review next to see what I'll be renting or buying in the near future. Congratulations Ryan!
Ok, now I gotta go figure out who I'm gonna interview for the next issue! Yikes!
Yr. No-Fi "Pal",
Chris Beyond
(Chris Beyond is the editor of No-Fi "Magazine" and knows how to shake that thang!.)

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