Writer/Artist; Reviews, Articles
E-Mail: amyofdarkness@hotmail.com
LOCATION: Elsewhere
OK GO, Mike Viola And The Candy Butchers, Mindless Self Indulgence, Fugazi, Foetus
HORROR MOVIES! (especially those directed by Frank Henenlotter or Jose Mojica Marins, at the moment), beach-blanket, Elvis, Terry Gilliam, David Cronenberg, and Werner Herzog movies...and so many more.
WEIRD TALENT: Is capable of living with Jeff Roe.
LIFE STORY IN ONE SHORT PARAGRAPH: "Als Amy of Darkness eines Morgens aus unruhigen Traeumen erwachte, fand sie sich in ihrem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. Sie lag auf ihrem panzerartig harten Ruecken und sah, wenn sie den Kopf ein wenig hob, ihren gewoelbten, braunen, von bogenfoermigen Versteifungen geteilten Bauch, auf dessen Hoehe sich die Bettdecke, zum gaenzlichen Niedergleiten bereit, kaum noch erhalten konnte. Ihre vielen, im Vergleich zu ihrem sonstigen Umfang klaeflich duennen Beine flimmerten ihr hilflos vor den Augen."
FIRST HEARTBREAK: Edwin Earl Wheeler III.Ý He wouldn't stop being a Jehovah's Witness and I wouldn't start.Ý Boo Hoo.
WORST VALENTINES GIFT: Anything in candy or heart form.
Send Tapes, CDs, or Demos to:
No-Fi "Magazine"
attn: Reviews
1316 El Paso Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Send any Vinyl to:
No-Fi "Radio"
attn: Quin
1209 Ynez Avenue
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Generally, we like to receive 2 copies of everything (1 for review and one for possible airplay on No-Fi "Radio"). Please do not send original masters, nor any payola (we do like stickers and any other promotional materials though). DO NOT send us MP3s via e-mail. We would accept them on CD or zip disc, but our e-mail accounts can not handle the size of MP3s at this time.
For any other information, E-Mail Chris Beyond at the link below.