I've written bits about this before here and there. Grades 7, and parts of the 9th were horrible for me. I went to Stephen White Jr. High in Carson, California and I was considered to be a nerd.
I'm not sure exactly why and, to be honest, others had it worse than me. I even had a few girlfriends in my junior high "nerdy" life (Granted, I broke up with the first one,...oh let's call her Krista, after so-called friends told me that she was too nerdy for me. Not having a mirror nearby to look at myself, I believed them and did it). I was beaten up a couple times, made fun of, all that fun stuff. It wasn't until I hit the 9th grade and met a new group of friends did things start turning around. - THAT in itself is a pretty nerdy story. There I was this nerdy kid and I see this group of kids hanging out in the middle of the school having fun and hugging each other. I HAD TO BE FRIENDS WITH THOSE KIDS! And somehow I did it (and luckily they weren't in some cult or religion or both). And the rest of my jr high life was a little easier to bear...that and I had a card up my sleeve. I knew I'd be going to an entirely different school district the next year. I did and things were very different (even getting a new girlfriend my 2nd day of school). I guess I did change my hair and "fashion", but I was still the same person and I've carried that little nerdy kid in the back of my head all my life. I don't know if I've ever stopped being a nerd...I just accepted myself as what former GIRSCOUTS ON A SWING member/No-Fi "Magazine" writer Marc Fischer called a "Riot Nrrrd" back in the early days of No-Fi "Magazine" and the southbay scene.
Weird thing happened. People like Nrrrds now. When I was telling no-fi pal Verity about this issue, she told me that "nerdy boys are hot". Where was she back.... ANYWAY, I in turn think Nrrrdy girls are super-cute so there you go. There is even a porn site dedicated to them called "nakkidnerds.com" run by a self professed nrrrdy girl (You have to be 18 to go there though). I guess there is probably a site for everything though.
Who wants to be normal anyway? Normal people vote for people like George Bush and Dick Cheney. Did you know that when he attended Yale, one of George Bush's professors said that he was very disruptive and would even chew and spit tobacco in class? Sounds like one of the evil jocks from Revenge Of The Nerds to me. And Dick Cheney's name says it all. I think we need to call our fellow Tri-Lambs and collectively run them out of town on November 2nd.
So if you feel like a nerdy kid or an outsider or if you are somebody who appreciates them, this issue is for you. Consider this to be Teen Beat or Tiger Beat for people who appreciate "Nerdy" people. We've got articles, interviews, and reviews that reflect this "alternative" lifestyle. We've even got a centerfold... How do you get a centerfold in an online magazine? Keep reading this month and you'll see.
Beside all that, I can't believe how interesting and productive this month has been so far. In fact last week was one of my craziest in a while with something to do each night. I even saw Kitten Natividad (Russ Meyer film star whose 2002 No-Fi "Interview" you can read HERE) on the way home one night and arranged for her to make an appearance on No-Fi "Radio" in October. Funny thing happened that night while encoding a review for No-Fi, Suddenly she filled (and I mean filled) my television screen in a cameo appearance in the film My Tutor. I never even knew she was in that film which also stars a BLONDE Crispin Glover(!!!). If you've never heard of, or seen it, the film is about a nerdy boy (who looks more like a model to me) whose father pays a tutor to help him graduate school...only, in the ultimate nerdy fantasy, he learns more than Spanish from this particular tutor. Crispin plays one of his nerdy friends. Pretty goofy.
I also got to see the BEASTIE BOYS play that same busy night. They kept making mistakes, but wouldn't you if you've written over a million words and had to remember them all? Still it was a good show and probablty the gitssiest one I've ever seen on stage. I'm going to see Morrissey and Devo this upcoming weekend so this month seems to be all about the 80s too.
This has nothing to do with anything, but comedian Sarah Silverman is rad. Have you ever seen her stand-up work? If you get a chance to, definitely check her out. Also she has a new show on the Trio Network called "Pilot Season" and it looks like it's going to be good. Maybe I should try to set up an interview with her.
Well, anyway, enjoy this issue and I'm sorry this intro came so late. Busy busy busy, but it's for everyone's entertainment. Oh, and don't forget to listen to our No-Fi "Radio" live session with CREEKBIRD this month. Di you know he was his school Valadictorian? See we've come full circle and that's where I'm gonna end it.
Yr. No-Fi "Pal",
Chris Beyond
(Chris Beyond is the creator of No-Fi "Magazine" and knows most of the dialogue from the first three Star Wars films by heart)
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