I haven't had a harder time, mentally, to do an intro for an issue of No-Fi "Magazine". Granted our paper issues had very short intro that barely registered a paragraph, but since I can afford time to write more with our create-as-you-go monthly online issues, I try to give up a little more.
But next month is a very importaint month not only for our country, but for the world and history itself. Yes election time is crawling on our backs like one of those spiders on Indiana Jones' back. I have to write about it now, because the election is on November 2nd and next month'll be too late to convey all the information I am having trouble conveying to you right now.
And that info I'm trying to convey in the most intelligent way I can muster when I'm forced to think about the subject is that George Bush and Dick Cheney are a pair of evil power-mad TWATS.
Honestly, if you are reading this and still plan on voting for these guys for another four years there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with your values system. I totally believe in the greater good in people as a whole and somehow this administration has been able to convince people to vote against their own best interests. It's like whenever you get one of these guys in office, it is like an excuse for people to be stupid....not that George W helps at all in that respect.
So let's do this point by point and to the point...cuz most of my readers already know this stuff already anyway...
POINT ONE - Before ANY of this, the Bush family has had long family and business ties to the Saudi royal family and, YES, the Bin Ladin family. George had the chance to catch Osama while he was trapped in the mountains, but decided to pay local warlords to go after him instead. The result? They took the money from the U.S. and seem to have also taken more money from Osama who is now hid.... Er... well.... George Bush told him that he could run but not hide. Now lets give George the benifit of the doubt here and say that maybe Osama can't hide, but he can run SOOOO FAST that he would be impossible to detect with the human eye. Did anyone else see that last debate where George also told Kerry that he "could run, but not hide"? Wow, get a new writer idiot. My real point of this point is that when given the chance to go after the person who actually attacked us, he chose to send our soldiers to an unarmed country, ruled by a tyrant yes, but rich in oil and as former members of the Bush administration have now told us, Bush had planned on going to war with Iraq even before this 9/11 thing people keep talking about. What is this 9/11 thing anyway? A new mini-market or something? Anyway, why would go after the son of one of his business partners when their families can now work together in controlling oil in Iraq?
POINT TWO - Bush hates our troops. Not hate them for the job they do, but he does not value them as individual human beings. They literally are pawns in this war being used to further his and his friends' bank accounts. Why do you think that Haliburton was given no-bid contracts to work in Iraq? Another thing... Did you know that Dick Cheney worked with Saddam in the years of Clinton's presidency? Did you know that it has turned out that Donald Rumsfeld has closer ties to Saddam than Al Qaeda ever did? They even took a picture together! Can you very honestly tell me that you would be happy to ship yourself or your brother or sister off to war right now in Iraq because you believe that doing so would protect America? If you believe that then out your money where your mouth is and ship out.
POINT THREE - George Bush is a name caller who celebrates undereducation and uses religion to justify his means. I'm a name caller too when it comes to him, but I know that education is the key to the advancement of the human race and religion has been a tool to murder millions of people through the ages. Besides, I think that Jesus didn't care about oil in all the wars he sent his armies to fight. Oh, and Bush shouldn't go around calling people "flip-floppers". He's had far more shares of this just in recent years than his opponent has.
POINT FOUR - If you've ever read "1984", surely you must see the signs here CLEARLY presented by the book...or even the films made from the book. Create constant fear of an unseen enemy and repeat misinformation to the point where the lie becomes the only truth. I hate to get all X-Files on you, but c'mon. Why is it the biggest pre-election voting fights are in the swing states? Why is it that Jeb Bush won't allow a paper trail for the electronic voting machines in Florida which, in the case of another problem like four years ago, will only repeat the same info without the datat to back it up even if it is obvious that they are totally wrong. I don't belive all Republicans are evil. In fact I know that instead their party has been taken away from them and is in fact a totally different party in terms of their value system.
POINT FIVE - Their names are BUSH and DICK! ...and if you vote for them you're a cock.
Jezuz Chroist! Anyway, this is October and this is our annual spooky themed issue which is cranking along a little slow right now, but we'll get there byu the end of the month if all goes well. This is also the second cover (this year in fact) shot by the amazing Don Spiro who is to photography what I like to think I am to praising the art itself of magazine covers. If all goes well we have two interviews with two very new up-and-coming bands too...something we don't get to do as much as we like to due to our no-fi "popularity". (Huh?)
Me? I'm still cranking away at freelance projects at night as well as at my day job. Very hectic lately, but hopefully things'll cool down by the end of the year.
So enjoy this - another issue of No-Fi "Magazine". And while I'm writing an article on him, I still want to give a shout-out to Russ Meyer who died last month. He was a huge influence on my art and design work and this world is forever changed by his temporary presence on this Earth.
Yr. No-Fi "Pal",
Chris Beyond
(Chris Beyond is the creator of No-Fi "Magazine" and will be voting for John Kerry on November 2nd.)
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