"50 issues and not even a stupid T-Shirt?"
Well, I guess I better get started on this intro...WHAT?!? 50 ISSUES!!! When the hell did that happen?
Well I guess it started in the depths of the El Camino College computer lab in what was almost literally the basement of the Art Department as my project in advanced computer design. I started work on it in 1995 and the first issue came out in May of 1996. I can go on, but I'll get more into that when we "celebrate" the 10 year anniversary of the first issue next year.
I've been very lucky to be able to put this out while maintaining a day-job AND managing writers and a radio show, setting up live shows, and working on a hundred projects as once it seems. Doing the paper version was great, but when we started doing the web version, the whole world seemed to open up a lot more. I get invited to partys, shows, and screenings. I get free music in the mail everyday that I get to play on our radio show. I get to see people's independent films that probably don't get the kind of distribution they deserve. I really do get humbled in the stock people put into us and have, again, been lucky to work with some of the nicest people in the independent music "industry."
Issue 50? 1996? Should there be more than 50 issues? In a way there are. We've done a bunch of non-issues like last month's Star Wars themed issue. SOmetimes, we just don't get things done in time and either have to delay the issue or move on. In fact, as of this writing I'm still late on a few interviews. More than likely I'll have to do another non-issue before the end of the year to catch up. In the last few monthsI used the extra time to go back and clean up several old issues and will be continuously be adding articles that never made it online from the paper version of the older issues.
So let's get going with issue #50. What do you say?
Issue 50 "The Issue For All Seasons" has been in development since last year. A lot of work has gone into it and I hope it doesn'r disappoint anyone.
I'm very excited to be able to interview one of my musical heroes: Joe Jack Talcum (aka Joe Genero aka Butterfly Fairyweather aka Butterfly Joe) of one of my favorite bands of all time THE DEAD MILKMEN. I've been a fan of theirs since my uncle made me a tape of some of their first albums. Will the interview come out as good as I hope? You'll have to read it yourself to find out (when it is posted later this month).
It is a pleasure to have local legend Rich Polysorbate 60 do his second interview for No-Fi "Magazine" - this time with Abram the Safety Ape of THE ART OF BLEEDING.
Of couse will have some other suprises and our usual music and movie reviews. You'll just have to come back every day to see what we have in stoe for this issue...and you.
The design of the cover comes from an old vinyl album I have by Robert Maxwell called "A Song For All Seasons" made in the early 60s. The model featured all over this issue in different outfits and hairstyles is Kimberly Murray of and a good friend. You might also recognize her from when she was the coverstar of Issue #28 "The Overly Patriotic Issue" from 2002.
One of the many things I love about Kim... when I told her that her cover is one of our most popular and that the guys at Giant Robot Magazine like her cover too, she yelled out "TOP SELLER!"
"But Kim, the magazine is online and actually it's free..."
You gotta love that Kim. So now my nickname for her is "Top Seller". Regarding her photoshoots for this issue... Most of the photos were shot in her same living room in Korea Town where we shot her "Overly Patriotic" cover. The bathing suit shots were done in Palm Spings at a place Kim rented for all her friends for the weekend. A night of drinking and wildness eventually led to Kim stepping on a golden barrel cactus located right next to the dimly lit hot tub. The cactus' need went completely through her toe and just imagine what it must be like to see your toe impaled with this long sharp needle poking out of the top of it...and then having to pull it out yourself all thr way back through your toe. Gross, huh.

(click each thumbnail to see a bigger version)
Anyway there's a lot going on behind the scenes at the moment and I really need to get to some of those things so I'll leave you for now and spare you from my usual political ranting (and trust me, you don't want me to go off on the current situation with the bombings in London.
So enjoy our official 50th issue. And please write to us. Ok? Ok!
Yr. No-Fi Pal for All Seasons,
Chris Beyond
(Chris Beyond is the creator of No-Fi "Magazine" and cares too much.)

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