THE ANABOLICS "3 On 1" CD Demo, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
It's been so long since somebody sent me something that follows the ethic of a lot of the bands we featured back in 96 when we started this magazine. I was so happy when I threw this CD on my car stereo and the sounds started throwing themselves into my ears. The first song on this album "Mark Of A Madman" almost makes them sound like a band from the UK even though they are clearly from New York...I think. Are they from New York? Well it was recorded there at least. The next song "Why Should I Cry (Over You)" is sung by the sole male in the group (Marcello) and reminds me of mid 60's garage rock with a little bit of 70s thrown in for good measure. The final track called "Everything Strays" has kind of a late 60s pop flair with nice guitars and piano. My only complaint is that I think the vocals could have been a little more sharp. This is a demo so I don't expect them to be perfect (and who wants to be perfect anyway?) but I think they should have spent a little bit longer working on getting the best vocal recordings. Ok, that's not my biggest complaint. My biggest complaint is that they're probably in New York and I wish that they were here so I could record them for a live performance on No-FI "Radio". Well, maybe they're tour over here sometime. Until then this is a great CD to listen to on an airplane. Just make sure that they give the ok to play electronic devices first.
The Anabolics,
ANNABELLA "Songs Of Goodbye" CD, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
How am I suppossed to review this? I am completely unqualified. Terri Ditmar's vocals are perfect and the music is practically flawless. The only problem is that this just isn't my kind of music. It reminds me of when you go to a show at a coffee shop and the solo female vocalist is still on stage finishing up her set before the main act (probably friends of yours) comes out. That isn't suppossed to sound harsh. It's just not "No-Fi". I LOVE the cover art though. I think that the people who put together the music for The O.C. soundtracks should check this CD out. I can totally imagine Brandon, Dylan, and the rest of the gang at The Peach Pit hanging out wathing her perform at the end of a stressful day. Wait... What? One thing of note is that this CD was sent to me with a BO BUD GREENE sticker. Either that means somebody from that band was involved with this record or somebody who got this sticker from me (I used to send them out along with other band's stickers with mailers) and returned it. Anyway, get this CD to play at your next wedding.
Los Olas Recordings, P.O. Box 2744, Georgetown, TX 78627
CHACH "To Destroy Your Boyfriend's Confidence" CD Single, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
This is another CD that's been waiting in the wings for a while. I don't think I'm into it. "From The Throne"... Hmmmm.... Maybe this is pole-dancing music? Would they be unhappy with that summary? "Monte Carlo Blues" sounds like it should be in some 80s movie where the main character, a cop named Steve Lockjam, just found out that his sexy female partner has been kidnapped and is in the back of a speeding truck filled with explosives and guarded by ninjas and he's racing down the Santa Monica coast to save her. I have no idea what the song is about, but who cares in movies right? The public certainly doesn't! Har Har Har!!! (See the inappropriate use of "Hey Ya" in Flight Of The Phoenix for a great example of this.) Anyway, the next two songs are mostly uneventful. Here's the deal. I think they are great musicians, but I don't think they bothered to look into the music we cover before sending this to us. It's just not my thing and that's not their fault...ok, maybe it is their fault. Get this for your next chase scene.
Chach Music,
THE DUANE PETERS "Gunfight" CD, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
I had trouble thinking of how to describe this band. 'Bar Punk' maybe? The band does look like they picked the creepiest guy out of 6 different bars and put them together to form a band. They do sound slightly like RANCID with a small helping of SOCIAL DISTORTION. They're pretty ok, but as I always say, I like my punk rough, lo-tech, and sloppy. Nothing really stood out to bring it over the edge for me. The guys pictured on the back cover don't look as polished as the music sounds here. Ok the last track "Marry Me" was pretty good, but it should have been put somewhere in the middle of the record to break it up a bit. I wonder what they sound like live? Get this CD to hep sync up your metronome.
Disaster Records, P.O. Box 7112, Burbank, CA 91510
THE 88 "Over And Over" CD, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
Hey, it's a new album by THE 88...and it's on Mootron Records! There's a name from No-Fi past. Well , before I get into the music I have to say that I like the cover art photography. There's something I really like about the model on the cover, but I just can't place it... Anyway, THE 88 have a quirky sound that sounds like something in between Paul McCartney's songs in THE BEATLES and
maybe even a dash of Peter Frampton. I have to say that this is an even more polished and mainstream sounding album than their last album. I think it's a safe CD to give to your friends who less on the indie music fringe than they think they are. Plus the guys in THE 88 are actually really nice and while it's not my favorite style of music, personality goes a long way in my book. And, hey...No-Fi "Magazine" IS my book.
Mootron/EMK Records, 4872 Topanga Cyn Blvd. #302, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
THE INSAINTS "Sins Of Saints" CD, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
This is definitely a solid punk album and most of the songs sound pretty clearly different from each other. The guitar does dip into metal territory though a few more times than I'd like, but whatever. This band actually broke up in 1994 and the songs included here on this 20 track CD are a compilation of all of the music they left behind that was never officially released. It's pretty good and it's nice to hear a raw female punk singer (who obviously, from all the pictures included in the booklet didn't mind running around naked...or having sex with bananas). The booklet is actually a great thing too because it has the full story of the band and includes tales of some of their craziest shows including when lead singer Marian Anderson outdid G.G. Alin (I think she might have pooped on him onstage, but it might have been even worse than that if you can believe it). The odd thing is that I've actually met this girl which is why I was suprised to learn from the booklet that she died a few years ago of a drug overdose. I guess nobody figured out that drugs can kill you yet. Well it can and it was such a waste of talent from what I can hear on this CD. Had they had more time to play music, I think this could have been a band to remember along side BLACK FLAG and DEAD KENNEDYS. Get this CD for your punk rock girlfriends.
Disaster Records, P.O. Box 7112, Burbank, CA 91510
NASHVILLE PUSSY "Get Some!" CD, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
Wow, talk about "pole-dancing music." This is the new album by NASHVILLE PUSSY (featuring new bassist Karen Kuda) and they leave no doubt as to what you should think of them in the opening track "Pussy Time". This of this as southern fried heavy metal channeled through Ted Nugent in between hunting trips. Therefore, I'm not really into it. But fans of NASHVILLE PUSSY's previous work will love it. I do love the cover art though.
Spitfire Records,
RachelAPP "Fire In My Head" CD, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
Sometimes you need to tear something apart before you can find out what works so that you can put it back together in a way that works better. In the case of RachelAPP's new CD called "Fire In My Head".... Well... First off, I don't think it's terrible, but I don't care for the cover art. It looks like a play on that painting "The Scream" but is really just a picture ran through a couple effects in photoshop. If this were in a store, I wouldn't even barely glance at it (and mind you I only look for the really indie stuff anyway). I can't help it. I'm a designer. What about the music? The music definitely has potential. It's catchy and that is VERY important, but it is maybe a little too bare bones at times when it needs to be heard better over some of the vocals. My biggest gripes about this record are with the vocals. Here's the thing... All of the parts to have made this a better CD are here. As I listened to each song I thought, "Wow, I could really like every one of these songs a LOT." The main problem came down to the vocals which brings me to looking under the hood (by the way my knowledge of car parts and terms is pretty limited so stick with me here). I have a feeling that the vocals on this album don't sound like her live act does. The music is catchy, but could use just a little more "oomph." Maybe it could use sounds that work outside of the song but still WITH the song much like PUBLIC ENEMY or KAITO. That brings me back to the vocals. I have certainly recorded a lot of demos where I was just unhappy with my voice. I recorded in bathrooms, living rooms, and even outside. RachelAPP's vocals sound like she might have recorded this on her bed...or maybe even a studio. When you sing songs for recordings your voice does sound different and you find yourself not playing for the audience as you are faced with hearing your own voice in a cleaner studio enviorment. I could be wrong, but something tells me that this could have been the case here. He vocals are mumbly and tend to drag on, but I SWEAR that I hear something in her voice that could be great. I think she should expirement with sounding as angry as some of her lyrics read. Yell, scream, jump up and down and do whatever she can to convey the power of her lyrics and let the listener feel what she is singing about. I know a lot of my long time readers must know that I wouldn't spend this much time writing about something that I thought was garbage. In fact this album hides a lot of diamonds that I think might be discovered either in a remake (maybe a live version with upgraded music?) or on her next album. Heck, I'd even help produce it if she flew me over there. Would I say that if I didn't believe there was true talent behind this record? Absolutely not. RachelAPP I expect better from you next time. I know you can do it.
Cats Rock The Boat Records, 160 Benhill Road, London, SE5 7LZ, England
RED BACTERIA VACUUM "Roller Coaster" CD EP, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
Jeepers! Have the RED AUNTS reformed as a Japanese Punk Band?!? Well, you can count me in as one of their newest fans in America. The music on this 6 song E.P. is hard and fast and even though I don't understand all the lyrics just listening to it, I know that these are not gals to fool with and would probably kick my ass if I did (luckily there are translated english lyrics included with the CD). This is punk the way it is suppossed to be. It isn't perfectly recorded with perfect harmonized lyrics and beats that were perfectly put in order in a computer. This is raw music that harkens back to the RED AUNTS or THE RUNAWAYS while staying completely original. Just listening to this CD I can imagine them jumping up and down screaming while playing live and frankly I want to do the same thing while listening. They are playing in L.A. this month so you know I'm going to be there. My favorite songs on the EP are "Roller Coaster", "Gimme Culture", and "No-Ten Fuck!!" Get this CD to play at your best friend's party!
Love 2 Skulls,
SCARLING "So Long, Scarecrow" CD, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
Whew, this has been waiting for review for too long (as have most of the CDs reviewed here for the next couple months). This is the new full length album by indie favs SCARLING. It starts off beautifully with "Hello London" which can be described as somewhere between BLONDE REDHEAD and SONIC YOUTH. There is very little company you can keep that would be better than that. The next track "City Noise" is a great follow-up with guitars that do their own thing while moving the song along nicely. Much of the album can be described as a light night drive through the big city when most everyone is in their beds and the streets glow orange from lamplights. It just seems like the perfect time to listen to this record. I hope your parents let you drive around at 4am. Jessicka's voice is pretty and smooth and it reminds me of somebody I can't remember at the moment. If there was an award for song titles, I'd nominate "Stapled To The Mattress" for this year. I think my second favorite song on this album is "We Are The Music Makers" with its wild guitars and layered breathy vocals at the end. The album ends nicely with the title track "So Long, Scarecrow" and is a great way to go out. There are 13 tracks on this album, but they leave you wanting more. I think that the only thing I wanted to hear was a little more edge in the vocals to break it up a bit. The packaging has great photos too. Now this album I like 10 times better than their first so I expect the next one should be 20 times better than this. And if they keep progressing like this, I believe it will.
Sympathy For The Record Industry, 4450 California Place #303, Long Beach, CA 90807
TSU SHI MA MI RE "Pregnant Fantasy" CD, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
This is the debut from the eclectic TSU SHI MA MI RE from Japan. It's hard to pin them down to a sound. Maybe rockabilly influenced girl gang music? There are lyrics included but they are all in Japanese which I couldn't understand no matter how long I stared at them. I therefore have to assume that all of the songs are about how much they like No-Fi "Magazine" since they did send this to us. Oh, well, yeah, the songs do have english titles. My favorite tracks on this album are the rockabilly-esque "Lingerie Shop", the sharp almost, but not quite grundge mini epic "Manhole" (possibly my favorite on the album), and I like how "Tea Time Ska" flips back and forth from cutsie ska pop to death metal. This is a nice album for just hangin out in your room or driving your drunk friends home. Check it out. There's something to like for everybody (who likes good music).
Benten Label,
UNIVAC "Univac" CD EP, 2005
reviewed by Chris Beyond
It's been a while since we've had UNIVAC in No-Fi "Magazine" and finally Joe gave me a copy of their newest release which just came out this October. He didn't think it was their greatest, but you know what? UNIVAC not at their greatest is still great and this is a great CD which goes along well with their other two EPs. The one thing about UNIVAC is that their music always sounds very much like it was pulled out of some European spy thriller. That contines with this CD as well. My favorite tracks are "Crossing Guard" and the dreamy feeling "Walking Backwards." I've always been a fan of Jo Cantrell's design and the cover of this album is his best yet and it kind of reminds me of the artist who did all those YES albums in the 70s. Good stuff all around. Get this for your next bubble bath.
the glorious potemkin recording kompany,
ZOM ZOMS "One Brain" CD, 2004
reviewed by Chris Beyond
This has got to sound better live than is does recorded here. This is a new wave early early DEVO influenced band (the tatoo on the Freddy Mercury meets Ronald Mael keyboardist's arm is reveals what the music conveys). The songs are short and silly and I can imagine liking them in a live situation. Thus I think that my one brain is telling me that the vocals need to be more distorted and buried deeper in the music. Maybe a few heavier beats (not nessasarily "heavy" beats though) would have mixed it up a bit more too. The CD design is obviously influenced by the 80s, but that part of the 80s with the girls from The Facts Of Life had that lame trendy gift shop. They'd probably carry this record too in that one box of records they had in the store. I could imagine playing something off of this on No-Fi "Radio" sometime, but probably not very often. Hey, wait-a-minute...this CD is from 2004. Why didn't they send me their latest one instead? This album is SO 2004.
Omega Point Records,
Send Tapes, CDs, Vinyl, DVDs, or Demos to:
No-Fi "Magazine"
attn: Reviews
1316 El Paso Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Generally, we like to receive 2 copies of everything (1 for review and one for possible airplay on No-Fi "Radio"). Please do not send original masters, nor any payola (we do like stickers and any other promotional materials though). DO NOT send us MP3s via e-mail. We would accept them on CD or zip disc, but our e-mail accounts can not handle the size of MP3s at this time.
For any other information, E-Mail Chris Beyond at the link below.