"The Mummy: UNWRAPPED!"
NAME: Augusta (aka Penny Starr Jr. on stage!)
HEIGHT: 5 foot Something! (Ok, 4' 11 1/2")
BIRTH DATE: 12th Dynasty
BIRTHPLACE: Valley of the Kings--or in this case, Queens
REBIRTH DATE & PLACE: British Museum, Antiquities Wing, 1923 (A gal needs her beauty rest and 3000 years was a delightful nap!)
DREAM DATE: Boris Karloff, Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon
OCCUPATION: life of leisure, go-go dancer, The world's only award winning filmmaker AND award winning burlesque dancer!
SCHEMES: Convincing all those boney actresses that you end up as a mummy -you don't start life out as one! Eat a cookie! you'll be happier and your date won't have those brusies from you hip-boning him! Also, financing, baby! Momma needs a development deal!
TURN ONS: Gold, cool evenings on a Nile Barge Shooting 16mm film, French New Wave, vintage lingerie, did I mention gold?
TURN OFFS: As a mummy, the excruciating sun, sand in my lotus blossom, Now as a filmmaker, blowhards and know-it-alls, fraudulent filmmakers who
will tell you they made their film for $1000, when in reality some studio sunk another million into its release...

CURRENT MANIA: Moving pictures, champagne, bikinis - they didn't have these things when I was a girl! Now I'm producing my variety show, VICTORY VARIETY HOUR, producing more how-to burlesque DVDs with Princess Farhana, performing burlesque with my grandmother, Penny Starr Sr.
MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: My re-birth--in front of all those archeaologists, and me in rags! Quel Embarassing! Also losing my bolt pastie during my Bride of Frankenstien number during Lucha Va Voom! It was only the second time I performed, and let me tell you, when you are wearing only 6 square inches of clothes, you know when you've lost 2!
IDEAL EVENING: Going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NY--I like to
stop by and visit the family... Seeing a Guy Madden film, looking at art at La Luz de Jesus, eating French food, going dancing with an excellent DJ like Se–or Amor or John Godin, or bands like Hobo Jazz or Candypants,
finding a bartender that can mix a real Martini...
Augusta can be found on her website www.itsachick.com where you can learn about her latest stage and film productions.
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All photos of Augusta on this page ©2006 Don Spiro Photography

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