"Seasons change, people change" - Expose'
Never in a million years would anyone think the lyrics of the late 80's/early 90's band Expose could ever have any relevence in their own lives. One would normally admit falsely to burglury before admitting that a song by that corporately led band came to mind freely and willingly without it being used in a U.S. backed torture technique.
If you are a regular reader of No-Fi "Magazine" - and I admit that's a tough thing to be these days as updates have been pretty slim lately - then you may or may not have noticed my absence from the normal introductions to this magazine's issues. Issues... Ah, issues.
Personal issues, more like it.
It's true. After 10 years of being together, Holly-tron and I have gone our separate ways.
To say that it's been tough would certainly be an understatement. To say that it was tough and I won an ice cream eating contest would be a lie. But "tough" will do just fine. Ok, "upsetting", "depressing", and "terrible" would all work too.
So since the 'Famous Playboys' issue I've been in two different places after moving out of the Eagle Rock pad. Photographer Laurie Wilson was kind enough to take me in for a couple months before I found my new place in Atwater Village (just north of Silverlake).
It's weird living alone after being together with somebody for so long. For one thing I've slept more than I probably have nightly in my life. I'm used to coming home, hanging out, and then doing No-Fi stuff after Holly-tron went to bed. My new apartment has become Ikeaville until I go out shopping for proper furniture. Oh, and boxes line the walls. ...Lovely.
And I thought 2005 was a tough year. Heck, I devoted a whole issue to it.
Then 2006 comes around and gives me my own persoanal whooping, thankfully in a smaller dose than 2005 gave others, but still... So, long story short, I've been not in the greatest of moods and thus haven't been able to bring myself to write much of anything, much less a proper introduction to the last two issues. Don't worry. It can all be "fixed in post" unlike certain other recent events in my life.
I'll go over everthing in the next few issues, but for now I'd like to introduce you to "The Seasonal Drift Issue". It seems a better time than any to do it to. We've all been having our own "issues" since the destruction caused by last year. We've all had our emotions drifting all over the place with the environment slipping downward, politicians and business men ruling over our lives as it they were theirs to play with.
So we've had the Democrats take over the house and senate here in the U.S., but can they (or better do they want to) get anything done to make our
lives and the lives of the people in the rest of the world better. Maybe things will start to get better. Maybe not. It's not like they can help every single person, but if they started looking at their feet and the people who allow them to be in power, maybe they would understand that they are standing on streets, floors, and sidewalks that we made for them. And if people took a few seconds away from the TV to see how they've allowed others to take their rights away one little bit at a time, maybe they'd be moved to do something about it.
Oh, wait... Family Guy is on? Oh, forget all that.
In this issue we are finally starting to get back on track. We have an interview with the band XIU XIU, a chapter from the new "magical" book about Ann Coulter, a photo gallery by No-Fi "Magazine" cover photographer Don Spiro, and lots of reviews and whatever else we can fit in this yardfull of leaves we call No-Fi "Magazine". Keep checking in every few days to see what we've put up for you.
Speaking of Don Spiro, he was kind enough to shoot the cover of this issue featuring our coverstar from New York, Lyssa, who makes her second cover appearance after her cover debut in December of 2005. They are both super nice and very kind to let us use their photos!
Still here,
~ Chris Beyond
editor, no-fi "magazine"

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