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Leia as The Farmers Daughter
This lil Princess, Leia, was the pride of her Pappy. Times were hard on the town. Everyone was in debt after failing to find gold and her ol' Pappy was sick with fertilizer-lung. When she wasn't working on the farm, she was helping out people in town from the elderly, to the sick, to people who pretended to be sick and elderly in order to fetch her attentions.
So when the local land baron chose to foreclose on the farm, Leia felt that she had no choice but to pick up her sick Pappy's six shooters and get the money they needed to keep the farm in any way necessary.
The Farmers Daughter had become the Farmer's Highway Robber!
Photos by Chris Beyond, www.myspace.com/beyondphotography
The Horse was provided by a very nice gentleman in Griffith Park and was not harmed in any way during the shoot.

All photos on this page ©2007 Chris Beyond Photography / No-Fi "Magazine"