40 Bands / 80 Minutes
Directed by Sean Carnage
reviewed by Chris Beyond
This DVD is a serious contender for the best movie of 2007 and is a great way to drop into the true L.A. Underground scene featuring 40 different bands performing at Il Corral all in one night. The video and sound are perfect and this DVD features Creekbird, Anavan, Captain Ahab, Explogasm, Gowns, Health, Faux For Real, Halloween Swim Team, the last ever performance of Wives, and so much more. PLUS there is a bonus show included with even more bands and a great commentary track. If you don't buy this DVD you don't really like music and you probably don't even like yourself.
Poubelle Twins Calendar
reviewed by Chris Beyond
The coverstars of "The Independence Issue" just put out a 2008 calendar with a photo by Robin Perine featuring the twin wearing nothing but their hats with border artwork by Sah and tear-away months. It's perfect for bulletin boards, deks, and fridges. Plus the Poubelle Twins are rad and can beat you up in the wrestling ring. Do you really want to take the chance that you might meet them and have to tell them that you didn't buy these reasonably priced calendar?
reviewed by Chris Beyond
Remember those old girlie magazines from the 50's and 60's that not only had pictures of curvy ladies, but also had drink recipes, suggestions for bachelor living, movie reviews, and more? Of course you don't. You probably weren't alive back then and let's face it, if you were, you especially probably don't remember. Bachelor Pad Magazine is a spawn of the long running Bachelor Pad wedsite run by the amazingly nice Java and is a very well put together homage to those magazines of way back when, but with modern day gals, recipes, and suggestions - all with a retro vibe. The layout is perfect. The writing is wonderful. A subscription to this mag is the perfect gift for your bast pals, guys or girls.
Hey Fudge! by Travis Millard
reviewed by Elana Bean
Los Angeles based artist Travis Millard, a.k.a. Fudge, draws upon cultural
detritus for his inspiration. Right wing politicos get kicked in the nuts, Michael Jackson gets sent to Borneo, and corporate icons fall into decline. This collection of art, comics, and doodles takes your head to a wonderland that tips a little towards the grimy side. Beautifully presented in "an unusual wide format" in both color and black & white, these 240 pages will please anyone on your "likes art" or "???" list. Pick up a copy online at www.narrowbooks.com or locally at Book Soup , Secret Headquarters, or Skylight Books all in Los Angeles.
Blue Mic "Snowball"
reviewed by Chris Beyond
The only item over 100 dollars I'm allowing in this guide. A wide selection of cool 1940's - yet futuristic style USB computer mics are available from Blue Mic. My personal favorite is the Snowball which is somewhat appropriate for this guide. Can I afford it myself? Not at the moment. But if these mics work as well as they look, then I think it's definitely work those money. If they don't, I'll be very upset that I included them in this guide. But do you really think that this company would take the time to make so many cool looking mics and not give you perfect sound as well? Get this for your podcaster and musician friends.
reviewed by Chris Beyond
One among may things I was impressed with at this year's Burlesque Hall Of Fame Exotic World Weekend in Las Vegas was the variety of cool shirts for both gals AND guys. Unfortunately I couldn't find anywhere online to buy these shirts, but I imagine if you write to them directly via e-mail they'll tell you how to buy them. Normally, I wouldn't include them because of this, but they are good enough to bring them to your attention.
Offensive + Delightful Cards
reviewed by Elana Bean
Do you enjoy giving a card that's a little bit naughty, or one that lets the receiver know you like to cuss like a sailor? Well I sure do. That's why this year I'm recommending you check out "Offensive + Delightful", a card company right out of Los Angeles- the city where everything is just slightly offensive. Designer/owner Olga Krigman offers several different styles like cool geometric patterns and ridiculous looking old-timey faces that crack me up every time I see them. From Holiday cards to Thank You notes to every occasion in-between, let these cards say exactly what's on your f*cking mind. But them online at www.oplusd.com, or in Los Angeles at Uncle Jer's on 4459 W Sunset Blvd.
Lisa Petrucci's Kick-Ass Cuties Vinyl Figures
reviewed by Chris Beyond
Meet Penny the Pirate, Lil Leona Leopard, Devilish Dolly, and Lil' Miss Monster. Lisa Petrucci has come a long way since she painted our No-Fi "Magazine" Issue #31 "The Deadly Issue" since then her pin-up and kutie art has graced books, stationary, jewelry, stickers...and now you can buy your own 3-D vinyl versions of her artwork in these new 7 inch tall figures from Dark Horse Deluxe. Just like our own Issue #31 cover, each of these figures comes with their own lil kitty. My favorite is the stitched together kitten that is attached to Lil Miss Monster. Perfect for your favorite gal-pal.
Naked Lunch Plate Set
reviewed by Chris Beyond
Ok, if any of you want to buy these for me, I would be ever so grateful. Not
only do I like the Naked Lunch dish set by Popink Cullinary Art, but ALL of the plates designed by them are great. I can also highly recommend the Cannibal Kingdom (featuring cute 50's design style animals preparing to feast on their own kind), Food For Thought, and Paper Doll plate sets. But go see for yourself. There is definitely something for every one of your designer-minded friends. (Each set contains four dishes.)
reviewed by Chris Beyond
Finally the Halo Trilogy is at an end (or so they say, but I really don't believe it). I know that sometimes you might find yourself competing with video games for your boyfriend or girlfriend's attention, but if they don't have this game then why not show them that you love them by helping them to "finish the fight". And a great bonus to this game is that you can actually sorta-kinda design your own levels with the Forge level editor. Isn't that insanely cool? What? You have no idea what I'm talking about? Go to hell then....after buying this game...for the XBOX360...if yours is still working (since over 30% of them are defective.) Oh, and don't buy the "limited Edition" of the game that comes in the tin box. That version most likely will come with scratched and warped disc due to defects in the packaging process. Also the DVD it comes with is a bit of a disappointment. Still a great game though.

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