"More More More More More More..."
It's Britney, bitch. Ok, it's actually Sabrina, but I figured what better way to open "The Gimme Gimme Issue" other than to quote the ever-gluttonous Britney Spears. Just a basic overview of her 2007 sends chills up my spine, too bad I will never be nearly as excessive as that trailer trash bitch. I'll probably never be as rich, but if the need arises, I too will exit automobiles sans panties because I'll do anything for a dollar and one day I'd like to put those dollars into a vault like fucking Scrooge McDuck's and then swim around in there like a damned mermaid, flipping off all the naysayers and generally being awesome.
So I guess this is the end of 2007 and we'll welcome 2008 with open arms and open legs because were excessive like that and sometime you know you're gonna have to let the new year fuck the hell out of you before you can make anything of the next random, boring 364 days ahead of you. A good way to do this is to drink excessively and date someone with a drug problem. These are things I actually know from experience, as I am prone to taking that extra step that leads you either into the hall of fame or rehab, but let's
not point fingers. We all know everyone is jealous of anyone that can take a leap off a cliff and survive with a flawless landing only because you said yes when you should have said so and didn't really care what happened as long as the fun kept coming and you got MORE MORE MORE of whatever the hell you wanted. Amazing.
I guess you should just know ahead of time that what you want more of is me and being the magic martyr that I am I have delivered like only I know how and here I am typing away giving you a little bit of me. I also cordially graced the cover of this month's issue of No-Fi "Magazine". So I guess this is where you get on your knees and begin to pray to me like the sun goddess I am, whatever. No really, I am not kidding, you probably
should waste time kissing my ass since I am glutton for this sort of thing and that's the entire point of this issue. DO IT BEFORE I STAB YOU TO DEATH! That my friend is rage, and we'll save the exploitation of that sin for an entirely different No-Fi issue.
It's the end of the year by the way, I forget if I already mentioned it so I guess I'll bring it up again. It's the end of the world as we know it, I guess it appears as though the United States as a superpower has reached the point of global power decimation. And you want to know why? GLUTTONY . After a while people do not care if you're just trying to fulfill your own manifest destiny. They begin to think you're nothing but a greedy bastard and they fight you to the death. This is probably what it feels like to die as a super power. I'm sure you're all as charmed by this as I am.
Sabrina See
senior staffwriter, no-fi "magazine"

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