Live At PEHRSPACE, December 10th, 2007
It had been a few years since we did our last NO-FI "MAGAZINE" live show. So one of our goals this year was to finally start doing shows again. I have been very happy with Sean Carnage's shows at Ill Corral and when he moved his shows to PEHRSPACE in Echo Park, I asked him if it would be possible for us to do a show there. He said yes and we started to look for bands.
The first band to sign on was ANAVAN and we soon got LACO$TE and THE MONOLATORS after that. Sean added Philly's MINCEMEAT OR TENSPEED to the bill which was a pretty nice surprise since I was already a fan. We had also tried to get a particular comedian to do a short set, but he never got back to me about it.
So we did this all months in advance. Because I wanted to advertise this as a Christmas show, and knowing PEHRSPACE doesn't hold a ton of people, I waited until Thanksgiving night to release the flyer for the show. A couple days later I get an e-mail from Aron of ANAVAN stating that they couldn't do the show...this just lest than a couple weeks before the show. Kinda last minute and a little late since I already printed a bunch of flyers. So after a week of all of us stressing out, Sean found the "supergroup" NO RESTRAINT and we were good to go. I also got Creekbird and Jim McCray to do short guest spots. Our own No-Fi writer Elana Bean DJ'd as well as DJ Bul!m!atron and Kyle Mabson (who also played in NO RESTRAINT.
Long story short, the show went great even though our advertising was a little interrupted for a while due to the band change. It was good to see Jim play again and having fun after so many years. Creekbird is always a good time and played a bunch of his original Christmas songs. THE MONOLATORS are always a good show and I hadn't seen them since my move to Atwater Village and I loved their new line-up and songs. MINCEMEAT OR TENSPEED was amazing and seemed to shoot lightning through the crowd. NO RESTRAINT was a great "spazzy" experience and they even thanked ANAVAN "for letting them play in their place." LACO$TE was practically a whole new lineup and only seemed to have X left over from the original line-up. Peter was there but didn't perform. Are they still a group or was this truely the NEW LACO$TE? In any case, they played a fun noise set that I think came out better in the recording I made than in the venue...
That's right, I recorded the whole show... But you'll have to wait until New Years Eve to hear it on No-Fi "Radio". Until then please enjoy each of the photos from the show below by clicking on the pictures to see the full images.
We really want to thank Sean Carnage, PEHRSPACE, all the bands that participated, and everyone who showed up to watch it. The crowd consensus seemed to be that everyone had a good time and the e-mail I've gotten since then seems to say the same. It sounds like we're doing another show there in April so I hope that if you are in L.A. in April of 2008, we see you there!

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