CB=Chris Beyond (interviewer), MG=Max Gomberg (vocals),
NK=Nora Keyes (vocals/organ), RD=Ray Day (guitar),
PH=Phillip Haut (keyboards), CD=Creekbird (keyboard/guitar)
and special guests:
DB=Don Bolles (formerly of THE GERMS and 45 GRAVE) & R=Ruby (The Lizard)
CB: What would be a plot to a movie starring the Centimeters?
DB: Boy meets girl. Can't seem to lose her but happily everyone finds out it just doesn't matter and nothing happens anyway. Then they go to a video store and rent Meatballs and never return it.
MG: A team of construction workers plan to convert a Safeway into a concentration camp for people who have no ambition to be anything in particular. The Centimeters are captured but they convince a bald guard to let them play one last show. Every one loves them. Thai Food is served after the event. The camera switches to a sunset scene where Don Bolles is trying to sell the new Germs book in order to buy himself a malibu screw.
CD: Cyborg werewolves.
R: It'd be this porno movie about this poor lizard that was raped continuously in this village.
CB: What's your favorite place in L.A.?
DB: The Prayer Garden of The Church of the Holy Superet Light and Deathies room in the kitchen of the speed freak mystery house on Descanso.
MG: Nora would probably say trapped in one of the glass booths containing stuffed wildlife in the Natural Hisory museum.
RD: Burrito King... No, El Grande Burrito. On Vermont and Santa Monica.
PH: Nora's apartment.
CB: In what movie do you think Robert Downy Jr. Does his best work and why?
DB: I'd say Meatballs, because as far as I know he doesn't appear in it once.
MG: I prefer his real life on drugs. The film industry needs a good Christ figure.
NK: That's a dumb question for us to answer. It reflects poorly on the band.
CB: What is your worst high school memory?
RD: High school itself.
DB: I don't remember any of it. That's the worst part.
MG: All of it. People shouldn't be forced to be in the same room with other people at that age.
NK: (to Creekbird) You were the class president. Didn't you have anything happen?
CD: No.
R: (annoyed) I'm a lizard. I don't go to high school. I was kinapped.
CB: What is the deal with that show at The Roxy with Love & Rockets?
DB: People hated it so bad that David J had to explain why the Centimeters exist on his website to all the angry goths.
MG: It's a good thing we did play though. For some reason their backstage door locked-up on them and they couldn't get out of their room for their encore so we had to kick the door down and rescue them.
NK: I grabbed some guy's butt. He flicked me off while I was yodelling during "Desert Yodel." He was this gothic guy and he didn't like my yodels.
CB: Whatever happened to Rich Bitch (former Centimeters keyboard player)?
MG: I don't know. Where is Rich these days? He just works better by himself.
CB: Which religion is right?
MG: Hopefully none so we can all get some more sleep.
DB: It must be Scientology because that's the most expensive.
CB: Pop-Tarts or Oreos and why...
RD: I don't know. I'm torn. Doublestuff?
DB: I've never had Oreos with why before. Is that like curds and why?
CB: When can we expect any new releases by The Centimeters?
MG: "Girls Have Hands" will be available on our US tour in August.
CB: Any plans to re-release "German Verbs"?
MG: Next month we will make some ourselves for whoever is interested.
CB: What are some of your personal influences for what you do?
DB: (Don is pissing in the bathroom ) Here's one... And if that's one, guess what number two is?
MG: Prokoviev, Stravinsky, a Groucho Marx joke, Scott Walker, homeless people, short lives.
CB: What was your favorite childhood toy?
MG: A bicycle.
CB: Do you have any words of wisdom to close this interview with?
MG: Re-examine everything you think to be true. Especially if it's something Don has said.
DB: Don't end a sentence with a preposition, Mr. Interviewer!
NK: Can we redo the interview? Does anyone have Karen Centerfold's number?
CB: Errr...has anyone ever had a monkey? ...Anyone?