the No-Fi "Magazine" interview
This is my second interview with a band and I am really happy I got to interview these guys. Not only is DIOS a great band, but they're also really good friends of mine. However, this interview was really hard for me to get into. I had some alright questions prepared, but the interview wasn't in the best setting. We were supposed to meet at a bar down the street from Sacred Grounds in San Pedro, CA where they just played a show, but we settled for the gutter just outside the place. Then I found out that Joel, the lead singer of the band and a really great guy, had to leave very soon for a party. This made me feel a little rushed. Then J.P., the bass player and a brilliant producer, didn't seem too interested in any of the questions and answered very little of them. Having said all of this, even though Joel was in a hurry, he still gave really good and detailed answers to my questions. And I later found out that the rest of the band told J.P. not to answer questions because "he's not funny". So all of this combined with typing out the interview a couple days later made me feel a whole lot better about it. It reads a lot better than the audio on the tape (maybe I'll play some on my radio show). Probably because I was all stressed out and nervous about the huge crowd of girls that had formed behind me. In any case, read it for yourself and I hope you enjoy it. Then you should certainly go to their web site It's really funny. There are very few bands like DIOS and I love these guys.

JL=Joel Morales (vocals/guitar/keyboard/writer/witty banter)
JY=Jimmy Camaro (keyboards/backing vocals)
JP=J.P. Cabellaro (bass/expensive recording equipment)
The drummer Jeffrey Enzor was unavailable for comment due to being in rehab...again. A future interview with him may take place during detention at his high school.
Q=Quin (interviewer)
JF=Jeff (not the drummer, just an innocent bystander/Quin's occasional no-fi "radio" co-host)
Girl=a girl

Q: Tell us about how the band got started...on drugs.
JY: How we got started on drugs? Well we were at Kenneth's house...
JL: I was 19. I was at Kenneth's house and...
JY: You were 19?
JL: I was 19, I swear to God. I remember that fuckin' date cause I didn't do anything before that...he took me to the back and there were a bunch of little thugs out there cause it was Lennox...and we went to this corner of his back patio which was weird cause his parents weren't home, but we all went to the side of the house anyways for some odd reason. And then he just passed me a joint. I choked, but that was my first time.
Q: Jimmy?
JY: Del Negro (nickname for a friend of theirs named Chad who is mentioned again in the interview) handed me a package and that's it.
(J.P. makes a no comment signal)
Q: Witty banter...are you for or against it?
JL: Where? Like...
JY: Between songs? No Joel's all for it.
JL: Nah, it depends, man.
Q: Elaborate.
JY: Half the people come to see him talk (laughter) the other half come to see him play.
JL: It's like that movie with Christian Slater...
Q: Pump Up The Volume.
JL: Yeah, that's it.
Q: So do you where a cock ring when you play?
JL: Everywhere. I wear it everywhere. It's just like a regular ring. You just gotta have it everywhere.
JF: A mood cock ring?
JP: He's the ring bearer.
Q: Lord of the Cock Rings. What's your favorite way to enjoy porno?
JL: Sitting on the couch with all my friends right next to me real close. So I can rub up against J.P. and I can hear him breathing on me.
Q: Let's hear J.P. answer.
JP: Standing in the gutter.
JY: With the band.
JL: Yeah, it's kind of a group activity.
Q: Tell us about your recent trip to Modesto, California.
JY: It's been written, it's been's on the web site. Why do we have to go into it? The link will tell you everything.
Q: I just thought maybe there was something special about the trip that you could share with us.
JL: He's just mad cause someone corrected everything he wrote on the web page. Someone e-mailed him all the corrections on his grammar and syntax.
(Jimmy laughs)
JY: My english teacher...she's a big...

(Editor's note: this section was removed due to a strong request by DIOS and will become available once DIOS aren't afraid to talk about it. We really can't tell you much at this point as to what was said but let's just say that it gives some people the feeling that mirrors will break, ladders will be walked under, cars will be crossed by black cats, and umbrellas will be opened indoors. We argued, not very well, as to why we should keep this section, but Jimmy is an old friend of No-Fi (He's on the cover of issue #13) and so we opted to wait until what ever we talked about happens or falls apart. ~Cb)

Q: ...You guys do a plethora of live cover songs. Do you have a favorite?
JY: Joel did a T-REX cover tonight, for the first time ever.
JL: Yeah, I didn't tell them I was going to do that.
Q: You didn't tell the rest of the band?
JL: Yeah. (Joel nods) Uh...what do we do that's really good?..."Blue Jay Way". We used to do "Because"
JY: "Starman"
Q: "Toss My Cookies" (an FYP song. I interviewed Todd from F.Y.P./TOYS THAT KILL last month).
JL: That's a good one too but lately I guess "Blue Jay Way" cause we can just do whatever we want.
JY: "Bust a Move"
JL: I think I like "Blue Jay Way" better.
JY: Oh yeah...BETTER.
JL: (To me) How about you?
Q: I've always liked "I'm Only Sleeping"
JL: I almost did that tonight.
Q: I'm going to say the name of a band or performer and I want you to describe the feeling you get:

Q: The Beach Boys.
JY: Hawthorne.
JL: Blue-green.
JP: Lou Graham.
Q: Grandaddy.
JL:Green, like greeny trees.
JP: Beards.
JY: Swords.
Q: Beck.
JL: Pavement.
JY: The Flaming Lips.
JP: Drugs.
Girl: Loser.
Q: The Beatles.
JL: The White Album.
JY:George Harrison.
JP: Atari 2600.
JL: Nah, this is our feeling, The White Album.
JY: Oh, start over. I didn't know we were doing feelings.
Girl: Word association.
Q: Ween.
JP: Scotchguard.
JY: Chocolate and Cheeze.
Q: Queen.
JY: Del Negro (Chad).
JL: Cold Steel.
JP: Ogre battle.
JY: Flash Gordon.
Everybody: AHAHHHHHH!
Q: Loverboy- JY: The pizza? (laughter) with extra anchovies.
(No one else comments.)
Q: Rich Polysorbate.
JL: Dental floss.
JY: The Harbor View House.
Q: This one's for J.P. ...Captain Beefheart.
JP: Swiss cheese on rye.
Q: Built to Spill. (silence) ...Okay.
JP: More beards and shaved heads.
JL:Big Sur. I was listening to that.

Q: Tell us all about Bad Chad.
JP: He's bad.
JY: He's got a band called Russell's Rainbow.
Q: So I guess the website's doing wonders for his...
JY: He created a web page just so there could be a link on his picture (on the DIOS site)
Q: Was he responsible for the smurf party pictures?
JL: No, that's all Jimmy.
Q: So, just how big are you in Bear Country? (Silence) Sorry...I wrote these questions when I was drunk.
JL: I got bear groupies now.
JP: I got bear illegitimate children.
JY: Haley Joel Osment likes us. You're going to edit this right?
Q: Oh yeah. I'm going to change everything you say.
JY: Put it in the Pornolizer! (a really funny web site.)
Q: Jimmy, you went to space recently...was it all it's cracked up to be?
JY: Space cakes and all...yeah.
JL: Hey, can we dedicate this to Chick?
Q: Yeah. You have a very touching tribute to him on your web site.
JY: Stu will carry on the legacy from now on.
Q: I don't know about that. Tell us something about yourselves that you've never revealed to anyone else before.
JP: I thought you asked your last question.
Q: This is it.
JP: I just revealed that to you.
JL: What!? What the fuck is he talking about?
(pointing at J.P.) let me think about that.
Q: While you're thinking...Jimmy?
JY: Ummm...
Q: I could reveal stuff about Jimmy.
JY: What was Todd's (of Toys That Kill) answer?
Q: That he did an audio remake of Harold and Maude about him and his cat falling in love.
JP:That's fucked up.
Q: Yeah...sick! (laughter)
JL: Actually, that's something you don't know about all of us, well except for Jimmy. We made gay movies. And also I was in a rap group that was all about gangsta rap.
JP: Gay gangstas.
JL: Gayngstar. We had Muff Daddy, The Notorious H.I.V. We had Gay Z and the Muffriders. BMX was in the band. So, anyway that's cool stuff. We might put that on the web page. There's some really good 2 Short type of lyrics. That's probably what you guys don't know, you guys will know though.
interview conducted by Quin!