no-fi's shocking tales of
"Exes put the X in XO." - Brian of XO
"Sex is always better with an ex" - Michelle of My Room Records
"They all look like my mother." - Kedron Parker of MENTHOL HILL
"I had an ex who wanted to put weird things in me!" - Gloria of MY GAY SIS
"I had to cut the crazy bitch loose." - The Mighty Quin of THE FILM VERSION
"I had an ex who would never take off her socks because she thought her feet were ugly. She would even keep them on during sex." - Ernie of F.U.B.A.R.
"I think my favorite ex-girlfriend was the one who dumped me because I asked her to stop fucking guys for speed. Yes, you heard me right. All the others run a close tie though...." - Thomas Whaling
"I used to freak out if I didn't have a girlfriend. Then I would be a dork when I had a girlfriend... then when I was looking for a girlfriend, girls were annoyed by me, but when I wasn't looking there they were." - Chris of POPULAR GIRL
"A friend of mine once said that if I threw a rock in any direction in Hollywood or Silverlake it would hit an ex-girlfriend. But most of the songs on my first record are about ex-girlfriends, except for the songs that mention any part of a woman's body, then those songs are about my wife Laura, and I'm not just saying that to stay out of trouble, its true." - Michael Whitmore
"I had a girlfriend who, little did I know due to her thick polish accent, was a would-be neo-nazi. We were talking to a mutual friend of ours and she was discussing how naziism is popular in Poland and she said quote Yeah they're cool and our friend responded with quote I donžt like the nazis. They killed my ancestors. I broke up with her on Christmas day" - Joe of UNIVAC (and formerly of THIS SUITCASE IS GOING TO EXPLODE)

Chris Beyond