Interview With

former porn star and lead singer of
April 27th, 96, 1pm

Who is Madison? Well she's a former adult film star turned rock starrr! She's the lead singer of the band FOUR UGLY WOMEN and I caught up with her at Glamourcon 96. Here's what she had to say

C = Chris Beyond
M = Madison

C: Here I am with Madison...former adult film star...rock star in FOUR UGLY WOMEN
M: I was in a band called KISS THE MONKEY that had a record deal, but it fell through with the independent record company, so I started a new band called FOUR UGLY WOMEN which you can read about in the latest issue of DiRTY MAGAZINE that has me and Lemmy from MOTORHEAD on the cover..
C: Do you put it out?.
No I don't put out this magazine, but you can get it at the magazine stands and Lemmy and I are good friends because my last band recorded it's album at the same time that Lemmy and MOTORHEAD recorded their album. So when FOUR UGLY GIRLS is ready, Lemmy said he has no problem with us going on the road with him.
C: So, it like a metal band that you're in?
No, I wouldn't say it's metal. I would say it's more KROQ, you know, commercial...
(Chris doesn't mean to grimice at the word commercial, but does)
M: well, ok,...more radio playable.
C: Favorite ice cream?
Black cherry!
C: What do you think of all the weird people you've met here?
I'm probably the weirdest one. No, I think they're all quite boring.
C: If Mr. T and Godzilla faught, who would win?
Godzilla, cuz he's cool...and he breathes fires.
C: Don't you think Mr. T can beat the fire back with his fists and chains?
I think Mr. T is ugly, obnauxious, arrogant, and wears too much gold.
C: Awwwwwwwwww! Have you met him?!?
No! But you asked me a question. I think Godzilla would light him on fire and that would be it.
C: I think Mr. T was a gentleman when I interviewed him. What is your best peice of advice for the NO-FI readers?
Do onto other as they would do onto you. Make yourself happy. Make yourself smile. If somebody else doesn't what to do it with you,...that's their own fuckin' problem. As long as you're not steppin' on their toes...then you're not stepping on their toes. They step on your toes, then you need to cut those toes off so they're not on your foot anymore. And the moral of the story long as you don't hurt anybody and you're smiling and nobody is hurting you and they're smiling, then everybody is getting along pretty damn good, I think.
No. Do you read FAUST comic books.
C: I have heard of it.
I know them personally. They sign everything they do to me, personally, and they give me their cover art. That's what I'm into. It's banned in a lot of countries because it's too violent and sexy. A lot of the charicters in it are made after me. In fact, they watch some of my movies and take some of supposedly and used it in their comic books.
C: Your script?
Like words I say...script...words.
C: Well, there you go. How about a Madison cartoon in the future?
Um,...they talked about me doing a comic book, but I'll wait until my band comes out...well, the new band...and then I'll think about letting them do that. Cuz then there will be a lot more to, um, entertain people with, I think. The band getting into trouble...which you know we will.
C: Ok, well let's wrap up this interview. Let's leave with two words that describe you.
I'm gonna be a big rock star, so make sure you remember that.
C: it "rock star?" Um, like TWO words.
I'm gonna be a star! TWO WORDS!
C: Uh, I can make it up, if you want.
Heh heh...don't do that to ME!

Special thanks to DiRTY MAGAZINE.
Top Photo courtesy of DiRTY MAGAZINE @1997

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