"SAINT PATRICK'S DAY CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE" Everybody knows St. Patrick's Day is around the corner. Now instead of going out and drinking at a strange place (risking your life), you can invite a bunch of your friends to come over and make this. It's the Irish's favorite food. We all know that right? Also, you can't eat this without lots and lots of Irish beer. So drink lots! Ingredients: *1&1/2 pounds of chopped corned beef, * A teaspoon of salt, * 1/2 teaspoon of pepper (or as much as you want), * A cup of chopped celery, * 3 carrots (supposed to take 4, but I don't like'm so leave'm out!), * 1/2 head of cabbage (or more if you're poor and you want more), * 4 potatoes chopped into squares and shit, * 2 things of beef boullion cubes, * 1/2 cup chopped onion. INSTRUCTIONS: (take a drink of beer after each step) 1. Put the meat in a fat pot & seal it until you finish smoking a cigarette. 2. Add salt, pepper (and parsley if you want). 3. Add a bunch of water 4. Bring to a boil then put it to low. 5. Add all the fucking vegetables. 6. Simmer for 3 hours (get really drunk). 7. Throw in anything else that hasn't been thrown in. 8. Simmer for 1/2 hour. 9. Serve with anything in a big ass bowl. (If I were you, I'd make it twice as big) 10. Drink more beer (did I mention drink beer?)
by Ernie Mejia of F.U.B.A.R.
"MIGHTY THOR'S RICE-N-SALSA" {very very very low fat} Boil a Boil-in-a-bag rice with Boil-in-a-bag veggies. Add 2 tablespoons of Pace Picante Salsa. Makes 2 servings!!!
by Peter of MIGHTY THOR
"RUBBERNECK'S STONEY NOODLES" 1/8th of Pot thrown in to 1 lb. of ground turkey. Simmer 20 minutes. Add 1 can of spaghetti sauce & cheese. Simmer 10 minutes. Pour over noodles.
by Marty of RUBBERNECK
"POPULAR TURKISH COFFEE" (Makes you shut up) Boil one espresso cup of water, almost a small spoon of coffee grind (Turkish coffee grind) and almost a small spoon of sugar (a bit less than the coffee amount) and put them in the water. Stir and mix till bubbles rise...then drink and be crazy!
by Diyona of POPULAR GIRL
"300'S CHILI CHILLS" Mix Macaroni & Cheese with Chili and Top Ramon Noodles.
"QUIN95'S PUMPKIN ORGY" Get an 11 inch pan and 2 cups of water. pour water into pan. boil water. Add peanut butter and bologna. Boil until water evaporates. Sprinkle pixie stick stuff into mixture. Stir. Add bacon bits and Hormell Chili with a pinch of Beano. Stir well. Drill hole in side of pumpkin. Stuff pumpkin with mixture and then add two M-80s. Place pumpkin on serving plate, Ignite pumpkin. Food will be served to you and your guests automatically. (pumpkin may be decorated!)
by Mighty Quin of QUIN95

Chris Beyond