interview with

Interview by The Mighty Quin (of QUIN95) with Jeff Icklanemeh(of SPACE ROTATO)
Special appearance by Chris Beyond!
Conducted at El Camino College,
Torrance, October, 1996
(foreword by Chris Beyond)
One of my big problems in this magazine is that when I set up interviews, they sometimes (a lot) don't happen. This is the product of me needing an interview at the last minute, so I had good ol' Mighty Quin of QUIN95 do this interview for me. SPACE ROTATO is a new band emerging from San Pedro that features Jeff as well as Rich Polysorbate (of ARK SPURTING BLOOD). Enjoy the last minute NO-FI interview kidz. Who will win this battle of the wills? See below after the interview.
Q = The Mighty Quin (of QUIN95)
J = Jeff Icklanemeh (of SPACE ROTATO)
E = Ernie Mejia (of F.U.B.A.R.)
C = Chris Beyond (of EAR BEYOND and NO-FI "MAGAZINE")
M = Mel (just a guy)
Q: (To Jeff)Is that a really neat cut on your head or is the band-aide just a fashion statement?
J: Actually it's an ingrown hair. This is a really good fucking interview.
Q: What do you think of THE MONKEES getting back together.
J: Well, I'd say that Mike Nesmith is not "bad ass", but THE MONKEES... I believe I should give you a Little Orphan Annie decoder ring.
Q: Hey! Where'd I put my minute maid? Uh...
J: We're doing an interview. (Jeff lights up another ancer stick)
Q: What do you think of Prop 215?
R: I think that gays should be in the military. Hi Tiffany.
J: I agree Ron, but there is more... I believe all drugs should be legal. I forsee a future at El Camino in which all students are smoking Camel chocolate thai blunts and living on an organic farm here at Camino.
M: What is this for?
J: (Dismissedly)Some magazine.
R: I want the gays to do grugs too. We can't exclude them.
J: Ask me about my music.
Q: NO!
E: Do you have some sissors?
Q: No.
E: I'm gonna kill you! (A fight breaks out!)
Q: Have you been to Durango?
J: Is that in Texas?
Q: No, Colorado! What is the strangest dream you've ever had?
J: Ooooh! Good question Quin! it went was...I was pet-sitting a friend's smurf blue pet llama...and these neighbors across the street have two dogs. My gate was open and the llama took off chasing the two dogs, but the dogs chased the llama into my yard. I ducked and the llama and two dogs jumped over me. They circled around my yard and jumped over me again. My mom and fine next door neighbor were talking in her yard and laughing at me. The llama and two dogs kept jumping over me. I was worried that I was gonna get sued. When I awoke, my sheets were soaked with sweat.
Q: Only sweat?
J: We can't get into that.
C: Screw the man, man!
J: Next question.
R: He's so pompous and urgent.
Q: Yeah, no kidding. Ernie! We need popcorn! We need popcorn!
(Ernie says nothing.)
Q: Fuck! If you were a gang member, what would you do?
J: Let me think about it. I guess I'd rap about the bitches I laid and all the Gs I chilled. Oh, and I'd look like Mel. Ask me about the pin I inserted into your tree.
Q: Yeah, I noticed that. I didn't see you do it, but I saw it the next morning.
J: Ahhh! The morning after.
Q: Hey, that's a secret!
J: If I gave you five cents, can I have a feel?
Q: Wait, let me write that down!
J: My girlfriend is not reading this. Can I take a piss?
J: No, I'll be back.
(He leaves for a short time, daddy-o.)
C: Who are your favorite local bands Quin?
Q: I just saw SIX VOLT SUNBEAM at the NO-FI Pre-Halloween SHow. They rule. Lisa is amazing. DON KNOTTS OVERDRIVE were great too. I like MJ-12 a lot. I've always loved BUFORD, OUT OF ORDER, FERVENT HUB, and of course MIGHTY THOR from Lennox.
C: What about your influences?
Q: Wesley Willis, Daniel Johnston, SONIC YOUTH, SEBADOH, NOISE ADDICT, and many many more.
(Jeff comes back. There are no stains in front of his pants. Success!)
Q: Hey, Jeff's back!
(Jeff throws an innocent ladybug at Quin.)
Q: (Fluttering his arms wildly) Hey! Stop that!
C: Quit putting bugs on people!
Q: So, Jeff, what bands do you like?
J: Foreign or domestic?
Q: Either?
J: Well my favorite band is PAVEMENT. I want to put out a compilation of PAVEMENT songs.
R: Who's Jeff?
J: I also love THE TINDER STICKS, SEBADOH, BECK, anything by crazy Jimmy DeVoca.
Q: Oh, you like FELCH? But their music isn't out yet!
J: But I still like FELCH.
Q: Whatever you say.
J: I like anything by Ron Huett
R: Ok, here's your five bucks.
J: And MAZZY STAR! My loal favorites are EAR BEYOND, QUIN95, CARNIVAL OF SUFFERING, DON KNOTTS OVERDRIVE, EEENIE MEENIE...I like them. BOB, GRANDADDY, Jacob Atienza; the drummer of PRAISE OF FOLLEY and of course DR. MUBOSO'S!
C: Ok, let's wrap this up.
J: Let's wrap this shit up. Let's put a wrapper on this candy bar.
Q: Ok, bye!
C: All anyone wants to know is if either of you have ever held a monkey.
J: (grunts) I just came! That's all the answer you need, boy.
Q: I haven't, but I heard that they throw shit when they are angry.
J: (To Quin) I just saw your underarm hair when you went like this. (Motions with arm.)
(UPDATE: Both QUIN95 {which Jeff soon joined} and SPACE ROTATO have since broken up so this interview battle has sadly ended in a draw...unless you count that SPACE ROTATO broke up months earlier.)
(UPDATE 1999: There is now a NO-FI VIDEO documentry in the works called THE TRIP AND FALL OF QUIN95. It'll fature the short rise and shorter fall of the noise band once known as QUIN95.)
Chris Beyond