the no-fi "interview" with Todd Congelliere of
This one of my very first interviews. I don't really count the Quin95 vs Space Rotato interview (it was really nothing more than a conversation between two friends) and the "Quinterviews" with Jill from Luscious Jackson and Marilyn Manson were too short to be called interviews...hence the name quinterview. So anyway, this is a short Q&A I had with Todd from the San Pedro CA band Toys That Kill. He was really nice and he even said at one point that he liked my questions and they were "far from standard." That was cool cuz I was worried that they were too standard. His band is touring soon so check out for info, and hopefully the whole band will be doing a live performance for No-Fi "RADIO" when they get back to town. Enjoy!
Q=Quin (the interviewer) T=Todd (toys that kill vocals/guitar)
Q: When did you first get into punk rock? Listening to it and playing?
T: I started listening to it in 1983-84 but didn't start playing it til about 1987-88 but never played live until 1991.
Q: Who are some of your major influences?
T: Germs, Beatles, Clash, Who, Dils... the classics.
Q: What are some of your favorite local bands?
T: Rolling Blackouts, The Leeches, Jacob Gaxiola
Q: Is it hard work being in a band that tours and running a label?
T: It's a lot of work but its not hard cuz I love doing it. I mean some of the chores are very tedious and monotonous but you always know in the back of your head that you could be stuffing zip disks in plastic cases for iomega inc. instead of Chickenhead 7"s for recess.
Q: How did Toys That Kill get started and where did the name come from?
T: We started it right off the heels of FYP. The name came from this book I have written by a doctor about toys that kill little children that like to do dumb ass things with toys.
Q: Are you a fan of horror films about killer toys, like "Child's Play" or my personal favorite "Dolls"?
T: Nah, although I like "Dolls."
Q: What is your favorite movie?
T: For a long time "Creepshow" was my favorite movie. I know it by heart... I can prove it. But I don't really have a favorite movie now. I like Wes Anderson & the Coen bro's movies a lot.
Q: What is your favorite Coen brothers film?
T: My favorite Coen bros film is "The Big Lebowski" for sure.
Q: I love Wes Anderson as well...Do you like "Rushmore" or "Royal Tenenbaums" better and have you seen the "Royal Tenenbaums" DVD yet?
T: I've only seen "The Royal Tenenbaums" once as I just bought the DVD. I've been just waiting for movies I KNOW will be good to come out on DVD instead of paying $10 to see it then rent it 100 times, you know? I know how to budget and shit.
Q: What was your favorite toy as a kid?
T: My favorite toy as a kid was this Stretch Armstrong doll with all that goozy shit in the middle so you could bend him and flex his horny ass. We used to grind popsicle sticks on the ground to make knives out of them and one day I got too into the part and stabbed stretch armstrong in the crotch and all this ooze started pouring out real slow. I started to cry.
Q: Describe the quintessential fan of Toys That Kill?
T: Well there was one guy in chicago that had the coat hanger logo shaved into his head, the album was only out for a few weeks so that was dedication.
Q: Have you ever gotten to tour outside of the country?
T: With FYP we went to Europe for a 2 month tour but with Toys we have only been to Nogales, Mexico twice.
Q: With FYP, What town was the best or most memorable?
T: I liked England alot cuz people were telling us to avoid it like the plague but it actually was quite packed and fun.
Q: I'm going to name some bands and I want you to describe the feeling that you get from each one:
The Ramones -
20 years ahead of their time and they never came close to understanding that.
The Rolling Blackouts -
Hey boom sexy baby I got your money don't cha worry!
The Beach Boys -
My dad broke a lost members arm. Hmmmm? I wish it was Mike Love.
F.Y.P. -
I like this alot more now that i don't live it anymore.
Angry Samoans -
"Metal Mike" is a martyr. "Back From Samoa" is god. "Inside My Brain" is jesus. "STP Not LSD" is the bible. Religion don't sound that bad after all.
Blink 182 -
Beach broads, extreme sports & mountain dew. A little bit better than N'Sync though.
Public Enemy -
"They wanted me for their army or whatever Picture me given' a damn - I said never"
Pavement -
"Crooked Rain" is almost too good. I just wish that the band never found out how good they were.
The Get Up Kids -
I dont get a feeling at all.
The Strokes -
I never wanted to like this pretty boy shit but I do.
The Refused -
I liked that last album a lot. I met that guy Dennis before cuz when FYP was in sweden we played with his old band and he was saying that the only reason why people liked FYP out there was because of him. "I am very influential here. I am on swedish television everytime". hmmm?
The Raincoats -
Grandaddy -
Never heard em.
Jawbreaker -
I wish we could have them around instead of all the phonies.
Weezer -
That "Green Album" was so "nice" that I couldnt even get through it once.
The Jackson 5 -
So saaaaaaaaaad about us. Mike has ruined the feeling behind this. Claiming the music industry is crooked & racist cuz his records no longer sell as much. It was always crooked & racist, but is he even black anymore? I dunno, he's wierd.
The Beatles -
Chemistry that's so good I doubt it was even from this earth. No other group, in any forum, will ever come close to this.
The Flaming Lips -
Nutty and honest... 2 qualities that don't exist too much nowadays.
Pink Floyd -
"Piper at the Gates of Dawn", "Meddle", "Obscured by Clouds", and "The Final Cut" are amazing! Everything else is very good or just good. That's a bitchen' history.
Jets To Brazil -
Lyricly overbearing but very sweet, NOT in a "dude, wheres my car" way.
Sonic Youth -
Thurston Moore at Baja Fish with Watt?
Q: What was the last show that you saw?
T: The Flaming Lips
Q: I think "the soft bulletin" is one of the best albums of recent years, do you agree?
T: Although I dont think it's one of The Flaming Lips best albums, I loved "The Soft Bulletin."
Q: What do you think of the new album?
T: I very much want to get the new one.
Q: What do you think of Ween?
T: I love Ween. one of the times I've seen them, we went straight from the show to The Smog Cutter (a bar in Silverlake) to do some kareoke and they walk in right in the midst of me imitating Bob Dylan. At the time I felt glory, but I realized later it was the amarettos.
Q: What is the best show you have ever played, including bands you've played with in previous bands?
T: I don't really have a fave. The last FYP show was really good and that was with all recess bands (Berzerk, Four Letter Words, Civic Minded 5) but there's been countless Toys shows that I've enjoyed better.
Q: Tell the No-Fi readers something about yourself that you've never revealed to anyone...or at least something that not many people know about you?
T: No.
Q: It doesn't have to be crazy or super scandalous... just tell us that you own a Burt Bacharach album or a copy of the movie "Sleepless in Seatle??"
T: OK. I'm in the midst of doing a remake audio version of "Harold & Maude" only named "Boris & Todd" after me and my cat. It's about a man and cat falling in love.
Q: Who's the coolest "celebrity" that you have met?
T: Clint Howard.
Q: Alright, we have to talk about the film Rock n Roll High School. Clint Howard in his 'office' in the men's room...hilarious.Ê Have you seen it?
T: Yeah I've seen all that shit.
Q: Maybe we'll have to do the Clint Howard issue of No-Fi "Magazine". How did you meet him?
T: I met him backstage when we (F.Y.P) toured with Marky Ramone. The wierd thing was that I was talking about him only 4 hours earlier. Who the fuck talks about Clint Howard?!? AND then meets him?!? Weird shit. I was saying how underrated he was and just putting my 2 cents about how great he was and the only words that came outta my mouth when we met was "Uh, I was just talking about you!!" Of course he gave me this look like I was talking trash about Clint Howard. I imagine him thinking of himself in 3rd person.
Q: If you could collaborate musically with anybody, who would it be and why?
T: Syd Barrett cuz that would just mean that he's playing again.
Q: Any words of advice for the No-Fi "MAGAZINE" readers?
T: Nutrition bars have exploded onto the scene as meal replacements and 'healthy' snacks. But are they as healthy as they claim to be? All you readers better think twice.

Toys That Kill "The Citizen Abortion" and a split 7" with The Ragin' Hormones is available through the Toys That Kill website or through Recess Records.