Photos For January 18, 2001 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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Today is N0-Fi superhappystaffperson Lindy Tranchina's birthday today and these are pictures that I got off of her personal site to share with all of you party peoples out there. Ernie's birthday was at the begining of the month too so I owe both of them a cool gift and feel free to shower them both with gifts too! e-mail them at our address below and I'll forward it to them. Happy birthday Portland kids!
Photos For January 10, 2001 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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Busy busy busy. That's all I can say. It's all for the greater good I `spose. Anyway, on New Years Eve we had a big ol party at our pad in Silverlake. We had it all...2 DJs, Dancing, Karaoke, friends, spilled drinks and broken things, and of course a little d.r.a.m.a. due to some people doing something that they shouldn't have. I'll leave it at that. Anyway, Mr. Jim McCray (formerly of GYMICRAE) was in town visiting from Saint Louis, MO and Mellissa Lang was visiting from Washington and there were a few nice ladies in attendence from Ireland as well. In the end our house was left a mess (still cleaning up after it) and 14 people slept over leaving me to sleep on the fuzzy red chair which isn't as comfortable as you'd think. Still it was my favorite New Years party ever and I hope our pajama party coming up in April is at least almost as fun.
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