Photos For July 11th, 2002 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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I gotta update this every week like I'm suppossed to. Anyway, E3 (the "Electronic Entertainment Expo") is the biggest games convention that takes place every year in L.A. and for the first time WE got to go. It was like 2 giant (convention-sized) arcades with a bunch of regular sized aracdes in-between...and it was all free and all day at the L.A. Convention Center over a month ago! The shots here really don't do it any justice, but it was really fun and we got to play tons of games in various stages of development. The highlights of the day were Kingdom Hearts, Robotech: Battlecry (!!!), and oddly enough Halo, which I hadn't played before up to that point even though it has been out for quite awhile. We ended the day by going to the private X-Box tent, that we were invited to, were we had free food and drinks courtesy of the evil Bill Gates (even Scorpio from The Simpsons had a nice side). Also while at the convention we saw Martin Lawrence playing Playstation's new SoCom game and I literally rubbed shoulders with Robin Williams as he pushed his way past me in the Nintendo area. ~ Cb
Photos For July 2nd, 2002 Posted by Mary Bond!
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A few weeks after I saw them at the Derby, I went to see Gliss again at Spaceland and took some pictures. I was very confused when they took the stage and someone else was playing guitar. It sounded pretty good - it's just that I really felt Dave was such a huge part of the whole Gliss sound. I couldn't imagine why he'd be gone. Soon enough however, Marty explained that Dave had broken his arm and was sitting at a table in the back. The guitar player on stage (Marc Thomas) was a temporary replacement who had learned the songs in only 2 days! Wow, pretty impressive! ~ MLB
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