Photo For February 28, 2001 Posted by Kelly Jensen!
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From left to right it goes: Corey, Annie, Jake Carlo, Laurel, Janelle.
Here's a nice picture of Annie Sprinkle (see issue 3) with some of Kelly's friends.
Here's what Kelly sez about the picture...
"Laurel and Janelle are supercool, and they're really smart and they're both going to graduate school because they rock. Corey and Jake Carlo aren't that cool anymore. Jake lives in Portland or something, and he's a big poser now. So, yeah. I took the shot at the Gay Pride March in D.C. in spring of.... '92, I think. Probably '92 because I think we were still freshmen. Could have been '93. Maybe '93, actually. Okay. Wow, I babble a lot." ~ Kelly Jensen
Photos For February 20, 2001 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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I really wanted to go, but with my friend Mike at school late and Holly tired I couldn't bring myself to go to The Centimeters all by myself last week. So instead of new fresh pictures from last week's Centimeters show from last week, here are new fresh pictures from two shows ago at the Silverlake Lounge (The Fold). I was also suprised to see Jeff formerly of Space Rotato and Quin95 there as well. It was a great show with all new songs (which ticked off the crowd a bit since they didn't play one song from their last CD). Still they were good and I'd see them again.
Photos For February 7, 2001 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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So... California Adventure opens tomorrow and lucky lil me got to go several weeks ago due to my Mom working at Disneyland over the holidays. I wanted to get these pictures to all yall weeks ago, but I had to finish the roll so I finally got them yesterday. So here they of Disney's California Adventure. It reminded me of the original Old Town Mall in Torrance. A few rides, but lots and lots of stores and restaurants. Most of the non-carnival rides were 3D movie type rides and it didn't have any of Disneyland's spirit. The Limo ride was ridiculous. The roller coaster was really good (I'd say it's the best non-disney coaster I've ever been on), but I'd be really really ticked off if I paid full admission ($42) to get into a park that was more like a big mall. Anyway judge for yerself.
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