Photos For March 20, 2001 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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These are pictures from last year's trip to Ma-ha-yah (In the desert Hot Springs) in the winter sometime. I didn't really have anything clever to say on the descriptions. It's a place we like to go to sometimes in the desert and I'm suprised that more kids don't go. It's got 2 huge hot-tubs and a big boobs-shaped pool and it's always deserted for the most part. The only down-side is that the owners live there and hate noise after 10pm, but it's something they have to deal with since we bring'm lots of business. Anyway, enjoy.
Photos For March 14, 2001 Posted by Kelly Jensen!
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New no-fi photo-gurl Kelly Jensen and I went to Indio for the infamous Date Festival 2001 ("It's a date...ya' eat `em!" ~ Raiders Of The Lost Ark). Full of Carney-Folk, creeky old carnival rides, TWO spooky-houses (ok, that was cool), and ACTUAL CAMEL RACING complete with white guys pretending to be Middle Eastern when in reality they seemed to be from "The South"; it felt like we had dropped out of California and into the middle of deep Arkansas! It actually was quite fun, but more in a "people-watching" kind of fun. Anyway, Kelly and I took lots of pictures and here's the first of them by good ol' Kelly.
By the way, I'm sure Kelly would want me to tell you that she took these with an old plastic camera and printed them herself. She all talented and stuff.
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