Photos For May 28, 2002 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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These pictures are from Jenny Lang's surprise birthday party and the theme of the evening was all about all the ho's out there. Sadly, nobody ho'd out at the party, but it was really fun none-the-less. Oddly, enough we couldn't find a real "erotic cake" store in Hollywood so I designed the cake to Holly's specifications. (Jenny's real skin isn't as edible, btw.) The ring toss was a hit and all sorts of slutty (and yet not slutty) fun was had by all.
Photos For May 14, 2002 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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So there I am at Oakland Airport waiting in the security line after a weekend in San Francisco with Holly (More pictures on that later), when all of the sudden...there he is...Tom Waits and he's walking to the end of the line. A few moments later he is escorted to the front of the line because of his huge celebrity status. Later, I discover that he's on the same flight as us and for five minutes I'm standing RIGHT NEXT TO HIM! So I gather up all the schmooze I got in me and do...NOTHING! Gah! I guess I was afraid to bug him, but I had my tape recorder (donated by the always lovely Kelly Jensen; no-fi photographer superstar) and I could have tried to get an interview or at the least a station ID for No-Fi "Radio" or SOMETHING. But I didn't and all I was able to do is snap a few shots before and after boarding the plane. Upon arriving in Burbank, while while waiting for our luggage, I then found myself standing a few feet away from director Terry Zwigoff ("Ghost World", "Crumb") and again I do...NOTHING!!! What is wrong with me. Sorry folks. You'll just have to enjoy the pictures. If anyone else out there meets these people, please talk to them and see if they'll do an interview with us or something. Obviously, I'm slackin'!
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