Photos For 6/29/00 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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Ok, here are the boring pictures for now. Don't worry...I'm saving the really neat pictures for last. The first pic is a statue of a famous actor, the next two are views from our hotel room. Then there are a couple shots of Tokyo from Sega City. The last shot is from a little back-alley shrine we found while wondering around one day.
Photos For 6/25/00 Posted by Mondo Terry!
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Left to Right: Col. Rob, Mondo Chrissy, Terry & Rikki Lixxx, James Long, Chuckles
Terry sent some more pics from the upcoming Mondo Family Films flick; Camp Erotica. Just as before, if you want an uncensored version, you'll have to write and ask me with a statement that you are over 18 cuz I don't want the little kids seeing that lady's "stuff". The movie is in post-production at the moment and if you look close at the Chuckles picture you can see a box cover that Chris Beyond designed for their last production. The fat guy plays an evil camp director and I'm sure there's a better picture of Rikki Lixx out there. Terry sent me more pictures before these, but I lost them.
Photos For 6/5/00 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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We did a LOT of toy shopping in Japan and even went to a couple "toy museums" which for the most part would charge you to see a small exhibit of toys and then drop you off into the main toy store to buy stuff. I was supposed to do a story for Giant Robot Magazine on Booska Land, (a new "theme park" somewhere in Japan) but all I could find were a few toy versions of the little creep. We did get a nice shot of that new robot dog in Japan that costs like 3000 dollars. When we put the monkey down, the "dog" walked up to the monkey and sat down behind it....CREEPY!
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