Photos For July 15, 2001 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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Now I'm not saying that Roy Rogers was an evil guy exactly, but he sure was really freaky in his own way. The thing that stood out the most on this next part of our little "Creepy California tour" was the astounding number of dead rare and not-so-rare animals that he took part in the slaughter of. You can say that somebody shooting a deer, a cow, or even a dog and horse was doing it for food, but there is no excuse for elephants and monkeys when you are Roy Rogers; famous cowboy movie star of the 40s through the 60s. I'm sure that he didn't eat the elephants that he has the parts of displayed at his museum somewhere in crusty ol' California. There's even a mock-up of an eskimo with his back turned to the glass that I'd be afraid to turn around for fear of looking into some poor dude's dead marble eyes. Anyway, I think Kelly has more and better shots of this place so I'll TRY to get them by next week for y'all. Yee-Haw! Now let's go round us up some monkeys! Wooo-weee!
Photos For July 11, 2001 Posted by Chris Beyond!
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The Hollywood Wax Museum is on Hollywood blvd and I advise you to put your pants back on and race down there as soon as you can! There's a great article on this place in the book L.A. BIZARRO that you should check out. As far as I can figure it, the sculpters for this museum must be blind...well, actually that girl in the Lionel Ritchie "Hello" video was pretty good, but who knows in any case bare witness to the horror that is the Hollywood Wax museum thru these pictures and then go there yourself to see what really rests in M.J. Fox's pants (a cucumber wrapped up in aluminum don't belive me?), relieve yourself on any random sculpture (somebody else did), or throw money at the Wax Jesus. Trust me...just go. I think it's around 8 bucks or so. Call ahead.
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