So I'm finally able to start getting back into the swing of things although I'm still living partly out of boxes and there are a bunch of problems at the new place (For example, I just found out that we have been slowly poisened by carbon monoxide since we moved in as a water heater's exhaust pipe was not connected to any other pipes and was just shooting carbon monoxide into our walls. Fun!
Anyway, we just had it fixed so hopefully we won't be dead anytime soon.
I've also gone through another breakup with a friend, only this time, I was the one dumping the other. Have you ever had one of those friends that just used you and your friends and never gave anything back? Well, I never did until recently and it was horrible. I admired his ambition, but people I knew who had worked with him before warned me how horrible he was and how he would worm his way through me and my friends, borrowing things and never returning them. My excuse to them was "But he seems nice and is just trying to make his way in this world to do what he wants to do in this life." Well, that is true, BUT it's how he did it that ended up bothering me. (In the end it came down to how he treated people in general and not just me. I can get into specifics her, but I'll hold off until I write about in in an article of
In the meantime, why do I even need to bother myself with him when I have all these cool old and new friends already? For example you may have noticed a few new fresh faces around here. Amy just moved here from New Jersey and she has already been so mnuch help, I don't know how I can ever repay her (but I'll try). I'm also proud of her as she just got a job with Roger Corman's production company and with all the talent I've seen from her so far, I know she's gonna go far. Darcey, seen here and on the cover, is the perfect example of the kind of people I like to work with. She super-talented and, like me, she believes that if you far you should bring the people with you that helped you there. And since it's so hard to get your start in this town, it's cool to know that some people won't sacrifice their ethics to get ahead. Anyway She's been a big help in this issue as has photographer Don Spiro who donated all the featured pictures in this issue of Darcey. He's super-nice too! Another new face here is our newest and that is Pamela Lay (aka "Pixie") who comes to us from the vast icy land of Canada where people have universal healthcare and say "eh" all the time. Oh, and speaking of new faces did you see that we FINALLY have our No-Fi "Staffmembers" Area up? (Those of you with dirty minds, please get it out of your system now... Thank you.) It's about time and now you can see what we look like as well as learn a little bit more about us every month.
So we're looking for sponsors for No-Fi "Radio" as you may have heard tuning in the past month. We are looking for cool people with D.I.Y. type businesses who actually need the advertisers (sorry, Suicide're everywhere I get embarrassed when I'm on at work on my lunch hour and one of your ads comes up). So if you have your own business or know someone who does and you or they need cheap advertising on No-Fi "Radio" to tons of listeners, let us know and we'll give you all the details. Ok? Ok!
So as of this writing, Valentine's Day has come and gone and that weekend was filled with house problems. Still, even though I had to deal with that, I still like the pseudo-holiday that is Valentines. So in its honor, here is the Broken Candy Hearts issue for people like me (and probably you) who always seemed to have the not-so-great or worst Valentines days...even worse than normal days. Heck, I was even dumped on Valentine's Day once (Thanks Stacy!). I hope you have a great month and enjoy this issue (which will be lighter than most months due to our catching up after the move). Other special thanks go out to Holly-Tron, Sid, Phil Aja, Frank Lang, Jenny Lang, David Lang, Nelson, Gravy Train!!!!, Brandon Huff, Brandon Finch, Rob Hondrick, everyone who has understood and has been very patient with us as we catch up, everyone for reading and/or listening, all our guests on No-Fi "Radio", and YOU!
Yr. No-Fi "Pal",
Chris Beyond
(Chris Beyond is the editor of No-Fi "Magazine" and probably has a crush on you.)
E-Mail Us your love letters!