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Pepper La Rue as The Red Hot Devilette
She doesn't remember when or how she got there, but she did know that hell was a complete drag and she was tired of it. Sure she was the Devil's girfriend, which had its perks, but you can only listen to the sounds of people screaming in agony for so long before it starts sounding totally boring.
Sure she vacationed in each of the seven layers of hell, hung out with celebrities like Jayne Mansfield, the Marques De Sade and Walt Disney, and enjoyed torturing new arrivals like former Enron CEO Ken Lay, but she always looked up to the earth (as hell is buried in the Earth's core as we all know) and yearned for something more.
So she finds herself often testing locks, trying out endless stairways, and poking at ceilings, trying to find a way to sneak off to the swinging Earth above ground. Heck, she could even stay with her boyfriend's son Damien if she needed to. Of course if she ever finds that bitch her guy had his son with...
Photos by Chris Beyond, http://www.myspace.com/beyondphotography
Make-Up by Pepper La Rue

Check Back this week for another Monstergirl Pin-Up Set!!!

All images on this page ©2006 Chris Beyond Photography and No-Fi "Magazine"