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Taryn as Carrie (The Art School Life Model)
Carrie used to have a hell of a time getting along with her peers. Maybe it was obvious that she didn't fit in having been raised in a very religious single parent home where the mere mention of breasts sent her mother into a tizzy. Her classmates would make fun of her every chance they got and this sent her into a shame spiral like no other. It also didn't help that she kept seeing things move by themselves, possibly even at her command. Was she going crazy? Imagine her surprise when, out of nowhere, she was voted Prom Queen. It started off as the best night she's ever had...that is until seconds later she found out, in the worst way possible, that she was the victim of another cruel prank. Only this time, she had been pushed too far.
She doesn't like to talk about prom much. For some reason the school burned down that night and most of her classmates didn't get to graduate with her. Finding herself strapped for cash, she's had to take a job as an art model for the local college. At first she was afraid to show her "dirty pillows" (as her mom used to call them) in public, but she's grown to love her newfound spiritual and physical freedom. If you find her posing in your class, feel free to talk to her, but it's best not to bring up that night. And whatever you do, don't spill blood on her. She'd hate to change schools again.
Photos by Chris Beyond, http://www.myspace.com/beyondphotography
Make-Up by Taryn and Chris Beyond

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All images on this page ©2006 Chris Beyond Photography