Newz For February 4th 2004!
While you were worried about Janet Jackson's boob...
...a little girl was kidnapped RIGHT ON CAMERA and so far very few news stations are playing it anywhere near what they can! Instead all we've been hearing about is how Janet Jackson sort-of/not really exposed the tape covering her nipple (You KNOW I'll get into this with the introduction of our new issue which will be up next week).
Anyway, my point is that there is a guy out there who kidnapped a little girl in Sarasota County, Florida, it was caught on tape, and we're BARELY seeing anything about it on TV where people could see him and recognize him. So here are some pictures that I want ALL OF YOU to see and pass on to others anyway you can.

Taken from "The girl, Carlie Brucia, disappeared while walking home from a friend's house, leading to an Amber Alert issued by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) a day later.
Initial enhancement of the digital images by NASA and the FBI in Washington yielded some clues already, said Carl Whitehead, special agent-in-charge of the FBI's Tampa office. Along with tattoos on the man's forearms, investigators are interested in a name patch on his uniform.
"It appears to be a short name, maybe three or four letters," Whitehead said.
While the digital enhancement of the video is in the preliminary stages, the images should give police and public a good idea of what the man looks like, said Sarasota County Sheriff Bill Balkwill.
Balkwill made a public plea Wednesday morning to anyone who might be holding Carlie hostage. "Please turn Carlie over to the nearest convenience store, bank, any location. On behalf of the family, please let her go."
Whitehead said the bureau has added $25,000 to the original award, raising it to $50,000 for anyone who provides information 'for a successful resolution of this matter.'"
So please do what ever you can to spread the word about this. Anyone with tips on who may have kidnapped her or where Carlie Brucia can be found Ýcall 888-382-6237.
Newz For October 2nd 2003!
A Late Again, But Still On Track...
Sorry the new issue (#39) is a little late due to a busy week and not picking up Nora's artwork for the cover. It should be up late Tonight or Friday night and we'll just have to work extra harder this month with more reviews (sorry we were lame last month with music reviews).
Anyway, I just finished DJing a set at Star Shoes in Hollywood with Pandora and Carlos from Interpol and I am tired. Check back late tonight.
Newz For March 21st 2003!
Why I Am Away
It's one of those old excuses, but sadly it is the truth. My Grandmother just passed away so I'll be flying to Missouri tonight and will be gone for the rest of the weekend. This will also affect a lot of things we had planned to do over the weekend (reviews, interviews, our extensive war coverage with flashy graphics and up to the minute explosions). So much in fact that I will need to extend this issue for another week into April. Sorry. I'll try to check my e-mail in MO, but just in case you can always e-mail Quin if you have any immediate questions. He's in charge this weekend so for all I know the no-fi "mag" site will become a wacky sociology experiment site or somethin'. Hopefully this won't delay next week's episode of No-Fi "Radio". I'll rush Quin through the RAM file making process. Anyway, sorry to leave all y'all hanging and being absent from the site most of this week. On the happier side of things, we have a new writer that I will introduce when I get back. ~ Chris Beyond, 2003
Newz For February 5th 2003!
Now The Good Newz...
The Mike Watt interview is done!!!!!!!!! It's a good one too. It was worth the wait! It should be up by late tomorrow night. More good news is that Quin already finished transcribing the Young People interview which should be up early next week! Bet you didn't know that Young People are performing live on No-Fi "Radio"! They are and you can hear it (barring more technical difficulties) next monday. To be honest, we recorded their set at Sea Level Records last Sunday on 4-Track and on Mini-Disc, but the 4-Track Recording failed (literally...we had the safety on so everything came out blank) and the Mini-Disc recording wasn't up to par with what they wanted you to hear so we're trying again this Saturday at The Smell in Downtown L.A. at their show with The Circuit Side so be there and you can hear yourself cheering on our radio show. Yay!
Ok, bad-ish (but not really) news...I spent hours on the Concert Calendar last night and fell asleep before I had a chance to upload it so you'll have to wait until tonight to see who is playing this month in L.A.... Sorry. Anyone in the UK or New York want to do the No-Fi concert calendar over there? E-Mail me and let me know. There is a demand, but I can't be there to know who is playing all the time. ~ Chris Beyond, 2003
Newz For February 4th 2003!
The Good Newz Comes Second...
Ok, bad news first...No-Fi "Radio" is delayed another day due to my bringing the wrong files with me to upload. Grrrrrrr!!! Sorry! It will be up for sure tomorrow. (In fact I'll probably even upload it tonight.) The Good newz on something else that is overdue is that The Mike Watt interview should be up tomorrow as well! (It was suppossed to go in December and then we delayed the issue for January due to the lateness of the interview and we just had to move on.) It's "home" will always be in Issue 33, but we're running it all this month on the main page.
Oh, before I forget, Phil Spector (producer of The Ronnettes, The Beatles, The Ramones, and more) is in jail for murdering a girl in his mansion last night! Crazy! Paul McCartney once said this of Phil's work on "Let It Be"..."It was overproduced". I'll get some more "newz items" up soon including links to movie trailers that look really good. (Willard!!!)~ Chris Beyond, 2003
Newz For February 3rd 2003!
Check your notes for this one.
Just a quick note for today (Monday the 3rd). The radio show today will be a rerun due to a technical problem (broken power outlet), but it should be fixed tonight. The Concert Calendar will be up tonight as least the shows for this week will be up. The Mike Watt interview has been delayed (yet again), but it should be up within a couple days. Ugh. Anyway that's it for now. More tomorrow including some really cool stuff.
Newz For January 23rd 2003!
Long Issue, Creepy Rats, New Show, Records...
As you can see we've decided to just make this issue a two month long issue due to the lateness of one of the interviews. S'all right, right? Next issue for sure. (it's all designed and everything!)
So here is something different...Crispin Glover made a remake of the 70s rat attack film Willard and from what I see from this picture, it looks GOOOOOOOOOD! You may know Crispen Hellion Glover as the dad in Back To The Future, but he has been in and made a bunch of weird movies...including the film he directed starring kids and people with different physical and mental disabilities on a quest in a backyard to find a magic snail. He has also written a bunch of weird books like "Rat Catching", "Oak Mot", and "Concrete Inspection". All good stuff, but if you really want to check out something weird, you gotta find his solo album filled with odd tunes and fractured lyrics ("Clowny Clown Clown" will forever be one of my favorite songs of all time). Anyway, Quin and I can't wait for this film to come out, but as luck would have it, a release date has been set for March 21st this year. Hopeefully if it does well, he'll do a remake of the sequel "Ben" and perhaps even his own rendition of of the theme song originally sung by little Michael Jackson. (A love song to a pet rat? Whoever would have thought MJ would become such a weirdo when he got older?!?)
Some music news for you...The Centimeters, Dios, and XO are all recording their new albums. The Centimeters will then go on tour and be back in April...hopefully in time to play our April No-Fi live show. We're hoping to get Nora from The Centimeters to do a live session of some of her own solo stuff for No-Fi "Radio" before they leave for tour, but we'll have to see if she will be available. XO are out on tour right now and we're hoping to get an interview with them together in April for the March issue. Big props to Alin of XO who helped us get our next show at The Smell on Sunday February 16th 7pm (early folks, but it is on a Sunday so you have no excuse but to go...more on this show's going to be different and it'll make each of you an active participant in No-Fi "Magazine" and No-Fi "radio"!)
And last, but not least, you MUST check out run by Otis Fodder of Seattles' The Bran Flakes who has a really cool outsider musical project called 365 days in which he is posting a different incredibly strange mp3 every day for a full year to download (which are then archived for anyone who missed them.) So far the oddball selections have been great and I highly recommend you check them out. Every song seems to have been pulled out of a black hole from some different dimension turned upside-down and set loose for your listening pleasure,...but be careful...sometimes it hurts...but always in a good way (whatever that means). Also look out for my review of the new Bran Flakes CD this week in issue 33's review section. It's good stuff!
Ok, back to work with me. Please e-mail me about your latest records, shows, art, photography, zines, and if you are interested in writing or doing any of the above for No-Fi "Magazine". More "newz" soon.....
Newz For December 30th 2002!
We just need more time!!! Wahh!!!!
To cut myself short before I get into some long winded explanation, I've decided to extend this month's issue (Issue #33: The Heavenly Issue) another couple weeks due to our needing more time for one of the interviews and a bunch of articles turned in, yet to be posted. I did this earlier this year with Issue #27: "The Suspicious Issue" when I wasn't happy with the quantity of stuff in the issue. We have a TON of new records to review as well as some video game reviews, and of course some more movie reviews.
Another part of the reason why I'm extending the issue is beause Quin and I were hard at work on our No-Fi "Radio" benefit which took place on December 19th at The Fold in The Silverlake Lounge. I want to give special thanks to Scott Sterling of The Fold, for playing: Brian Pusey, Wet Cassette (formerly Rolling Blackouts), Dios, New Bethel, and Dirty Little Secret...all of whom shortened their sets to allow for 5 acts to play. More special thanks go to no-fi writers Mary Bond and Jeff (who didn't quite get off on the right foot when meeting at the show, but I'm sure when they see each others charms that I see in them, they'll get along fine (Jeff + alcohol + tape recorder = wild crazyness). Thank YOU, if you were in the audience (or at least thought of going) and more thanks to all the bands who showed up to show their support to us and/or the other bands. Bands that were part of the audience, but didn't play that night (that I saw...there may have been even more) were Univac, Silversun Pickups, Amps On Ten, XO, The Movies, The Centimeters, and some more that I can't remember at the moment. It was a good night with a great turnout despite the fact that it was a late December show (people saving for X-Mas shopping time), a weekday, an $8 show, and El NiŇo was raging wet hell outside the club. The proceeds from the show went to pay for a new computer part for No-Fi "Radio" which we really couln't afford otherwise (we are a free site with no advertising after all) which should help Quin produce all of his shows on his own without me having to master and encode each of his own shows for him.
We're hoping to have another show in February and we'll give you all the info as we get it, but PLAN to BE THERE because anyone who shows up will become a part of the magazine and th stuff we hope to have booked there is going to make for a very crazy interactive show.
Anyway, as always we love to hear from you. Write us and let us know whats up with you, yr band, your projects, etc... Stay down with the local scene!
Newz For November 16th 2002!
Why I've been absent the last few days (or more)!!
First off, I have to apologize for not updating the site for most of this week. I won't get into everything, but basically I've been sick and had a big last minute graphics project that I had to do on my free time in the late hours of the night. What's the project? I put together the program booklet for the Shock-O-Rama-A-Go-Go film festival happening tonight and tomorrow at The Palace Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles. It's a 38 straight hour marathon of horror, sci-fi, and bizarre films from the 50s to now. The Centimeters are playing tonight at 9pm and I think I'm allowed to say that Harvey Sid Fischer just signed on to do a short set tomorrow night. I'll be recording for No-Fi "Radio" tonight and whatever I get I'll be using on next week's show so feel free to say hi if ya see me. (Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! will be playing which leads me to...
A follow up on last month's new update on Kitten Natividad's appearances at The Velvet Hammer shows at The Mayan Theatre in Los Angeles, the 2nd show will be on Thursday, November 21st at 9pm. Read all about it on I'll probably be there with Kitten so stop by and say "Hello there, Kitten! Hello there, Chris Beyond!" Also appearing will be the stars of Russ Meyer's Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! Tura Satana, Haji, and Lori Williams for an onstage reunion! Yay!
Anyway, back to No-Fi with me. Next week we have both the Sing Sing and Imperial Way interviews. Write me if you haven't already and let me know what you think of the magazine in general or i you'd like to write for us, have yr band in the mag, etc, etc...
Newz For October 25th 2002!
Haunting it up for the Weekend!
I won't have a lot of content over this weekend as I will be at the Tony Hawk/DEVO skate show/concert thingie and will be using the rest of the weekend to mix our special 2 hour No-Fi "Radio" special which will be posted on Monday (10/28/02).
I will be posting some more reviews today (`round lunch time) and late tonight...and hopefully that new "It's Menso!" comic if Elrod ever sends it from Portland. Grrrrr....
In other news, I got a call from Kitten Natividad this morning and she wanted me to let you all know that she will be signing autographs and doing some PR stuff for The Velvet Hammer at The Mayan Theatre in Los Angeles on November 14th and on another date that we'll give you as soon as we hear about it. Her and I have both recieved a lot of great feedback from our interview from issue #29. She's a great lady and it's certainly an experience meeting her so I hope to see you all there!
Newz For September 14th 2002!
Gone Fizzin' For The Weekend!
I gotta make this quick as I need to get to sleep and then up real early this morning (Saturday). There won't be any updates for the next couple days (maybe three) as I'm going to be out for the weekend. David 1-X will be here in my place, but he doesn't have site access so while he'll be here, he just can't upload anything (but he will be playing the new THE THING video game on our PS2 so you can expect a new review on that anytime soon.)
Anyway, we have a whole bunch of stuff done, but waiting to be designed and posted so I'll get to that as soon as I return. It's been a crazy couple months or so and I'll explain it all when I return. Oh, and this weeks radio show will be posted on TUESDAY instead of Monday since I'm hosting it this week, but won't be able to work on it until I'm back.